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  1. undalay


    jb nc do u recall wat was in the exams regarding the AMME section: S?
  2. undalay

    Shock Me!! please

    prelim means nothing
  3. undalay

    which branch of engineering is good?

  4. undalay

    Is it weird/unhealthy to love money?

    hay we can first in happiest countries
  5. undalay

    some engineering questions

    In otherwords, It's the amount of background you have in math that matters not how adept you are at doing maths? (assuming 3u is some kind of indicator at how adept one is at maths)
  6. undalay

    some engineering questions

    I find it mildly amusing that people say those who do general math will fuck up math intensive courses. Yet everyone here is being relatively supportive : )
  7. undalay

    what's so technical about sydney tech?

    There used to be a girls school and a boys school (much like sydney boys / sydney girls) but was eventually merged into one.
  8. undalay

    integrating sinxcosx

    yes both are correct, they only differ by a different constant C
  9. undalay

    Is "Engineering Studies" Scaled up or down?

    In response to DP. Firstly. I already admitted I was wrong regardign my second point. And if you read carefully I did not say you were incorrect. My entire second point had low modality written all over it. I really just did want to see your sources. Now back to my main arguement (first...
  10. undalay


    Depends on your course. There are core subjects in some courses. And prereqs for other subjects you may want to do.
  11. undalay

    Civil/Structural Engineering

    You wouldn't even need to learn the whole 2U course (although I suppose it might help)
  12. undalay

    Is "Engineering Studies" Scaled up or down?

    You are completely correct. I retract my second statement. (Everything regarding sources/statistics)
  13. undalay

    Civil/Structural Engineering

    3U. Parametrics Applications of calculus 4U. Complex numbers Integration Mechanics Graphing
  14. undalay

    Civil/Structural Engineering

    I think doing complex numbers will help.
  15. undalay


  16. undalay

    Is "Engineering Studies" Scaled up or down?

    This thread is about scaling. Have you heard about your friends where an 85 in 4u counts over a 93 in biology (or something to that effect). That is due to scaling. Everyone is talking about scaling in this thread. edit: What I was trying to say is that the the information frm raw marks ->...
  17. undalay

    Is "Engineering Studies" Scaled up or down?

    Link me? And I seriously hope you don't link me the statistics on aligned marks.
  18. undalay

    electrical engineering.. + chemistry?

    Today, most of engineering is done on computers. Also, yes, you can take as many chemistry units as you like. Either as part of electives, or as part of extra units on top of your degree.