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  1. undalay

    Eigenvalues question

    Bx = mu x ? Hence x is an eigen vector? edit: thank you : )
  2. undalay

    Eigenvalues question

    How do you do part (ii) guys ) : edit: free cookie if u get it
  3. undalay

    [Serious] Law students, do you have a life?

    I read it. It had 2007 statistics. It has core subjects with less than 40% D+HD. Furthermore it said the new policy said the maximum would be set at 40%. as opposed to the earlier guideline which was maximum "80% total Distinctions and High Distinctions"
  4. undalay

    [Serious] Law students, do you have a life?

  5. undalay

    [Serious] Law students, do you have a life?

    The documents say the MAX is 40%. So he is correct in not believing them.
  6. undalay

    Law students with UAIs under 70?

    All students must be on a CSP spot, there is no direct fee entry anymore. Connections/money I meant parents knowing the dean or donating sums to the uni etc. The dean can let you in the course if he likes you etc
  7. undalay

    Law students with UAIs under 70?

    connections and/or money
  8. undalay

    Reflections of a 4th yr pharm student--pls read if you're considering pharm

    Sydney Pharmacy Salary Information at MyCareer Pharmacist Salary Information - Where $50p/h ~ $100k pa
  9. undalay

    Whats so good about med?

    Difference: You get through med school = 100% sure recession proof high paying job Finance = compete with millions of finance students, etc etc etc.
  10. undalay

    UNSW Uni fees arent so high

    What? If you're on a commonwealth sponsered place (which all new australian uni entrants now are) then: In 2009, education, nursing, mathematics#, statistics#, science# (commencing 2009 students only) only costs $4162 per 48...
  11. undalay

    Assassin's Creed 2

    i thought the first one was crap :/
  12. undalay

    UAI estimate. =]

    Completely up to how you perform in the externals. probablyy 90+
  13. undalay

    UAI estimate School is ranked 539 in 2008

    Only if you're ranked in the average. If you're first it doesn't really have any bearing at all. For adv english you are ranked averagely, but the average is also reasonable, so you should be okay.
  14. undalay

    All time greatest music video.

    this is pretty damn good
  15. undalay

    Tell me i didnt fail D:

    what rank is ur school
  16. undalay

    rect hyperbola

    From the equation of the normal. If you sub it in to the rect hyperbola you will get a quadratic the roots which are P and Q (either in x or y) To find midpoint, you can just do (sum of roots / 2). where sum of roots = -b/a Then sub ur midpoint (either in x or y) in the normal, to find ur...
  17. undalay


    I don't know you bro aha ): edit: Not yet anyway : )
  18. undalay

    Shock Me!! please

    To get a UAI like that, you probably want to be coming 1st or second (at most the top 5) in every subject.