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  1. Fizzy_Cyst

    Physics Pearson vs In Focus

    Neither one is a stand out from the other tbh. They are both good for different parts.
  2. Fizzy_Cyst

    HSC Physics 2018 Marathon

    I would not use the 'superconducting wires one', that is a bit meh tbh. I would also do another sentence about laminations -- referring to how they need to be laminated (perpendicular or parallel to something?) Also, you could include stuff on granular ferrites or powdered core transformers...
  3. Fizzy_Cyst

    Update Science Sections?

    Hey guys and girls, Any chance we are able to update the Science forums to reflect the topics of the new syllabus? Thanks in advance :)
  4. Fizzy_Cyst

    A call from Baulkham Hills

    Well done! If you are doing Physics and want to get a jumpstart, hit me up via PM. I have a Year 11 Baulko class starting in a few weeks :)
  5. Fizzy_Cyst

    photoelectric effect and blackbody radiation

    Really the only link is the concept of quantisation. BBR - Energy absorbed / emitted by a black body is quantised (energy transfer is quantised) PE - Light itself is quantised
  6. Fizzy_Cyst

    Power packs

    No significance AFAIK, just convention. There is significance when it comes to the colours of the wire insulation itself, but not the terminals of a power supply.
  7. Fizzy_Cyst

    YR12 Physics + Chem Tuition - HSC 2018/19 -Parramatta - HSC Marker- 10 Years Teaching

    Re: YR12 Physics + Chem Tuition - HSC 2018/19 -Parramatta - HSC Marker- 10 Years Teac Bump. Classes will be commencing in just under 3 months for both Year 11 and Year 12. My waiting list has grown to over 70 students and all of my classes WILL BE FILLED. If you’re keen to give me a shot...
  8. Fizzy_Cyst

    neutrons included in Rutherford+Bohr model?

    No Neutrons in either model. Neutrons weren’t discovered until the 1930’s :)
  9. Fizzy_Cyst

    Age of Silicon 2018

    Honestly doubt you will get any replies, less than 100 people do this option state-wide. Are you planning to self-study? I think it is a great option for students to do if they are thinking of looking at doing engineering in university, it really would help a bit with some of the stuff...
  10. Fizzy_Cyst

    challenging gravitation question #2

    Quite the hilarious person. This question is nothing more than work done in a gravitational field, nothing more than GPE my friend. Well within the syllabus. If you need help with your understanding of Physics, I know a couple of pretty good physics tutors. Let me know :)
  11. Fizzy_Cyst

    challenging gravitation question #2

    Here's an even better idea... Don't respond to a question unless you have something constructive to add to it. If you can't help with a question, just move on to the next one. To OP: Really all this question is asking is the speed needed to escape the combined effects of both of the spheres of...
  12. Fizzy_Cyst

    Chemistry depth study - too easy????????

    That does look very easy :\ I remember doing a very similar thing with my Year 8s and they only took a week or so to complete it, probably 4 hours in total. Keep in mind it is the first time through for this depth study, hopefully it will improve over time, but this is pretty laughable.
  13. Fizzy_Cyst

    Do schools scale their internal assessment marks?? (before HSC)

    I know schools that send in raw marks, as is. I also know schools that stretch the values over a wider range, usually increasing the maximum mark to ~95 (but still keep rankings and relative gaps the same). So, yeah. Depends?
  14. Fizzy_Cyst

    Does Biology scale better than 2u mathematics?? A couple of things to bring to your attention: Table A2 shows the mark distribution by course 1. Median HSC Marks - Median HSC mark in Biology was 76 - Median mark in Mathematics was 81 -- this is ~7%...
  15. Fizzy_Cyst

    Is it hard to get a Band 6 in Physics?

    Approximately 10-12% of students sitting HSC Physics end up with a Band 6. So, whilst difficult, it’s not the hardest. Pretty sure Standard English is the hardest, I think less than 1% end up with a Band 6.
  16. Fizzy_Cyst

    is emf same as induced current

    EMF is basically another way of saying voltage or potential difference (all 3 are used interchangeably in the HSC), so it is not current, but it can give rise to a current. Sure do come about due to Faraday. Change in flux gives rise to an induced EMF (Faradays Law), this gives rise to...
  17. Fizzy_Cyst

    Could someone help explain something fairly basic to me

    It is still F=ma, or F=Impulse/time (which reduces to F=ma anyway), key thing is that the time taken for the object to come to rest has increased, so if a =(v-u)/t and t increases, then a decreases and consequently, F also decreases.
  18. Fizzy_Cyst

    YR12 Physics + Chem Tuition - HSC 2018/19 -Parramatta - HSC Marker- 10 Years Teaching

    Re: YR12 Physics + Chem Tuition - HSC 2018/19 -Parramatta - HSC Marker- 10 Years Teac I now have over 30 students on my waiting list for HSC classes commencing in October, if you would like to be added to the list, please send me a PM or an email :)
  19. Fizzy_Cyst

    Hard work vs. natural talent

    Amen. I’ve had plenty of students with natural talent not get Band 6 and plenty of students who do not have that natural talent but have a much stronger work ethic that did get Band 6. I can’t remember the exact quote, but it was basically in every room at one of my old school: “Hard...