Search results

  1. Fizzy_Cyst

    Who likes Kpop here?

    I used to like it 15-20 years ago! Well, Korean hip-hop. Jinusean FTW! I used to know all the “words” to Gasoline, lol. No idea what I was saying though
  2. Fizzy_Cyst

    Am I too old for uni?

    Never too old imo. When I did my B.Sc (Nanotechnology) there was a guy who must have been early-mid 30's doing the same course full time. Also the odd subject that I did with people who were 35+, including one subject I did with 2 people who each already had a PhD and must have been in their...
  3. Fizzy_Cyst

    Good pens for exams

    Uniball jetstream FTW
  4. Fizzy_Cyst

    Is 'Dr Du' actually a doctor?

    Dude can count like a mofo. One, two, red, blue. That shits crayyyyyyy
  5. Fizzy_Cyst

    What are the best coaching colleges?

    Awwwwww, such nice things said :redface: :smile: At the moment, all of my classes are actually completely filled and I have a waiting list of ~10 students, so you probably won't be coming to me for preliminary, lol. But, if you are keen to give me a try for HSC -- send me an email with...
  6. Fizzy_Cyst

    What are the best coaching colleges?

    Based on the comments of students who have come to me from these other institutions, I would feel comfortable recommending Matrix as long as you get one of the good teachers. I can’t recommend either of the others. Btw Drongoski > Du (3x the syllables = 3x the teacher!)
  7. Fizzy_Cyst

    Another- 2006 Q20d)

    There is no steadfast rule on tolerances in HSC Marking. In a question such at this, it is all about process. So, if you show the correct processes, you would get the marks. Your answer would be fine as long as you showed how you got there. The answer may even be 2.3cm, I’m relying on my memory...
  8. Fizzy_Cyst

    What are the best coaching colleges?

    Would you mind screenshotting what message comes up and sending to me? I don’t see any issues on the website side itself, but it would be useful for me to see what is coming up, just in case I have missed something. If you want to know anything about Sigma, send me a PM and I will answer all...
  9. Fizzy_Cyst

    Another- 2006 Q20d)

    I do remember an answer of 2.2cm. If this is not what you get, post your working and we will see where you went wrong.
  10. Fizzy_Cyst

    Textbook for new syllabus

    Jacaranda, Physics in Focus or Pearson. All seem decent -- Do different things well.
  11. Fizzy_Cyst

    YR12 Physics + Chem Tuition - HSC 2018/19 -Parramatta - HSC Marker- 10 Years Teaching

    Re: YR12 Physics + Chem Tuition - HSC 2018/19 -Parramatta - HSC Marker- 10 Years Teac All preliminary classes are now completely filled and a waiting list has been started. If you are keen to lock in a position for the HSC 2018 course starting October, hit me up!
  12. Fizzy_Cyst

    Need help with this Q!

    Seeing as the plane of the coil is perpendicular to the magnetic field, there will be no torque. T = nBIACos(@), in this case @ = 90 therefore T = 0. The forces on the sides of the coil will not force rotation of the coil (force on the top side is up and bottom side is down), rather they...
  13. Fizzy_Cyst

    YR12 Physics + Chem Tuition - HSC 2018/19 -Parramatta - HSC Marker- 10 Years Teaching

    Re: YR12 Physics + Chem Tuition - HSC 2018/19 -Parramatta - HSC Marker- 10 Years Teac It doesn't look likely. All of my time is being taken with making awesome resources for the new Physics course! So, Chemistry is going to have to mg.
  14. Fizzy_Cyst

    2009 Physics HSC Q7

    This is the very last concept in the Motors and Generators topic. No school is up to it at this stage (Unless you do M&G first) and it is a application of Faraday/Lenz Laws in an AC induction motor. If you acquire a solid understanding of Faraday/Lenz when you do it in school — this will...
  15. Fizzy_Cyst

    Eddie Woo to give 2018 Australia Day Address

    What a champion! Love this dude.
  16. Fizzy_Cyst

    Official Cryptocurrency Thread

    Just salty you didn’t get on it back in January :tongue: Along with selling hotdogs to an overweight American father at every event he attended, Rayquaza put my kids through college.
  17. Fizzy_Cyst

    YR12 Physics + Chem Tuition - HSC 2018/19 -Parramatta - HSC Marker- 10 Years Teaching

    Re: YR12 Physics + Chem Tuition - HSC 2018/19 -Parramatta - HSC Marker- 10 Years Teac Soz for lag in replying — nah, no chance to run Chem in 2018. Still space in my mixed preliminary class, starting in 2.5 weeks
  18. Fizzy_Cyst

    State Ranks and Internal Ranks

    Is definitely a chance. I taught at a very low ranked school (mid-300s iirc) and a student in my Physics class was internally ranked third, he ended up state ranking. If he was either 1st or 2nd internally, he would have been the top achiever in Physics that year (only student with exam mark...
  19. Fizzy_Cyst

    Textbooks for Prelim?

    Which Science course? For Physics I know the new Jacaranda and Pearson have been released with Physics in Focus coming out 27th of this month. Dot point and surfing physics have also been released. I got all of mine from Dymocks in Parramatta. For Chemistry, Pearson and Chemistry in Focus...