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  1. Fizzy_Cyst

    YR12 Physics + Chem Tuition - HSC 2018/19 -Parramatta - HSC Marker- 10 Years Teaching

    Hey mate, I went well, achieved a high ATAR (UAI back then), my exact mark in Physics, I actually have no idea -- this was over 15 years ago! Group tuition is more beneficial imo ONLY if you are in a group of similar ability as you can bounce ideas off each other, discuss ways of solving...
  2. Fizzy_Cyst

    YR12 Physics + Chem Tuition - HSC 2018/19 -Parramatta - HSC Marker- 10 Years Teaching

    Tuition for HSC Physics starts in 5 weeks! Not many spots remaining. I am also receiving enquiries relating to Preliminary Physics and Chemistry for 2018. I will be offering tuition for BOTH Preliminary Physics and Chemistry when the new syllabus is implemented next year, seeing as the...
  3. Fizzy_Cyst

    Study Tips for Prelim Physics

    A great deal of the current syllabus overlaps with the new syllabus. Namely, a great deal of the current topic "Moving About" is in the first 2 topics in the new syllabus. There exists a great deal of resources already for Moving About, so reading through it and acquainting yourself with the...
  4. Fizzy_Cyst

    List your favourite Album

    Creepin on ah Comeup - Bone Thugs n Harmony
  5. Fizzy_Cyst

    Looking for Maths tutoring mathematics 2 unit

    And this is one of the reasons why you are one of my favourites
  6. Fizzy_Cyst

    Jacaranda Physics Prelim Questions

    Only true if the turn forms an arc! If not circular, then not centripetal.
  7. Fizzy_Cyst

    Jacaranda Physics Prelim Questions

    1. Depends if it is instantaneous or average and whether there has been a change in direction. Assuming that it is linear motion and the fly does not change direction, then both magnitudes would be equal whether average or instantaneous. If the fly changes direction throughout its flight, then...
  8. Fizzy_Cyst

    Acids as proton donors

    What exactly did it say? All you really need to know is that Citric acid is triprotic due to the 3 carboxyl functional groups, forget about the other OH group as the reasoning behind why that is not acidic is beyond HSC
  9. Fizzy_Cyst

    Acids as proton donors

    Regarding your first question -- it's not quite as simple as that. In order to fully understand why that OH group is not acidic really comes down to a concept of resonance, electron distribution, electron orbitals, pKa and conjugates. For now, with what the HSC gives us, you just need to...
  10. Fizzy_Cyst

    Lewis structure

    Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) helps describe the shape. It's basically commiting the main "electron pair" shape to memory and then determining which shape the molecule is from looking at number of bonding and non-bonding pairs
  11. Fizzy_Cyst

    YR12 Physics + Chem Tuition - HSC 2018/19 -Parramatta - HSC Marker- 10 Years Teaching

    Still room for keen students wishing to start HSC 2018 tuition late-Sep / early-Oct
  12. Fizzy_Cyst

    Sigma science education parramatta

    Thanks for all the amazing comments on my very first "Is Sigma Science any Good?" Thread #honoured #blessed I am noticing a trend here though... #1 - I would NEVER do anything to aid in the study of BiLOLogy, is it even Science? #2 - My mum thinks I'm funny #3 - YOUR MUM THINKS IM FUNNY...
  13. Fizzy_Cyst

    Help - Sound question

    Answer is definitely 0.5s! Reflected sound wave travels an extra 160m as your working shows. FYI: That question is from the 2000 independent preliminary examination. First question. The answer given was 0.5s, not 0.25s Whoever gave you that answer has done it incorrectly
  14. Fizzy_Cyst

    ATAR estimate please

    I will hate you forever if you do not continue with something related to maths/physics
  15. Fizzy_Cyst

    Talent 100 or Matrix Education?

    Ngo! Come to Sigma Science at Parramatta :cool:
  16. Fizzy_Cyst

    IB Maths Tutor - Sydney

    Big bump for sir drongoski
  17. Fizzy_Cyst

    HSC Physics Videos - What do you want?

    Hey guys, I am going to start to post weekly videos (hopefully?) on certain dot points / harder questions relating to HSC Physics syllabus. I already have ideas and requests for the first few videos, but I would like ideas for videos from then on. What questions / dot points would you...
  18. Fizzy_Cyst

    YR12 Physics + Chem Tuition - HSC 2018/19 -Parramatta - HSC Marker- 10 Years Teaching

    I am starting to receive more and more enquiries for HSC 2018 classes. I already have 5 classes ready to start during Term 3 holidays. I will run as many classes as possible, depending on numbers. For HSC 2017, I am running 6 HSC classes, I am hoping to run more than this for HSC 2018. If...