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  1. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    445 words done... 555 to go :)
  2. Dash

    Are You Behind with Your Uni Work?

    I'm heaps behind in chemistry :p Thank god I'm only doin it for 1 semester :)
  3. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    lol get movin'... I can't even understand the question properly... The wording is so shit!
  4. Dash

    CHEM1011 mid session

    Yeh I just read my email today... There are 20 multiple choice questions! Time allowed is like 45 mins!!! Ahhh... today has been good 2 me :D
  5. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    I've kinda started... :p I plan to take a day off as well :) I think I'm gunna screw up my referencing sumwhere... Its pretty complicated...
  6. Dash

    CHEM1011 mid session

    Where can I get the past papers? Its not in the notes that we bought...
  7. Dash

    CHEM1011 mid session

    What the?!?! I thought it was all multiple choice! Omfuk... tell me it ain't true... :( Out of curiosity, what happens if I fail chem? I'm only doin it for a semster. I hate it and I'm not motivated, hence i'll prolly fail. Do I have to redo the subject or something???
  8. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    The test didn't seem so bad... Much easier than I expected... Hope I didn't make ne silly mistakes :( how did u guys go?
  9. Dash

    Are You Behind with Your Uni Work?

    Hmmm... it was a bad idea for me to download smallville episodes :p I'm so distracted at home :( Prioritising... yes... watch smallville first, then study... So now... I'm feeling the heat... gotta test 2morrow, EEK!
  10. Dash

    harbour cruise

    Literally every person I see at that table where u sign up is asian :p
  11. Dash


    Omg... there have been so many of these threads :mad: Edit: Ok but seriously... Go through the topics urself and choose! Whatever ur interested in... But whatever you do... DON'T pick geophysics :D
  12. Dash

    Syllabus Points

    lol yeh... looks like these questions have been thoroughly answered :p
  13. Dash

    Chem 1031 Lab...

    Did u subtract the mass of the dish or whatever its called? :p
  14. Dash

    Jet Li News

    Man thats wack!
  15. Dash

    Bob Emery vs CSU

    Screw the vote... they're both good...
  16. Dash

    Civil Assignment - Due week 6

    I got a pretty shit topic... Its on Ecole Polytechnique! Turns out its a university in another country or something. All the information I get on it is in another language! ARgH!!!
  17. Dash

    i dont like motors and generators

    M&G can be quite interesting if you can easily understand the content...
  18. Dash

    change nick name?

    here here
  19. Dash

    does anyone check ur bus ticket (from central)?

    I forgot my ticket one day and I went on the bus without it :) It wasn't that hard to get on... The only problem was that I had to pay $2.40 on the way back :mad: