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  1. Dash

    need big help =p

    Yeh... make your own notes from excel... You'll learn the course so much better that way than scabbing notes :p
  2. Dash

    custom status

    When and how you get CS is a complete mystery to me :p Only because there are so many exceptions to exactly when people say you will get it... Oh and I cheated to get my CS... modding :D
  3. Dash

    re-entry / landing

    I don't recall there being any factors of landing in the syllabus... There is however the different ways of a satellite landing on Earth... But I'm pretty sure that was taken out of the syllabus... So um, I guess you were correct in stating what you did for that question :)
  4. Dash

    low-earth n geo-stationary orbits?!?

    lol don't take offense to that... I'm sure his juss tryin to be thorough :)
  5. Dash

    low-earth n geo-stationary orbits?!?

    I guess if you wanna be picky... You could also state that satellites in geo orbits have a smaller orbital velocity than the low orbits :p But that should be pretty obvious :)
  6. Dash

    studying habbits

    Make sure you do a lot of practice questions for physics... Thats all I have to say :)
  7. Dash

    UNSW Meetup Part II

    I don't think that the library ever closes :p
  8. Dash

    Anyone going to Perisher Blue

    Hey dude... Me and a group of friends are thinkin of goin to thredbo as well :) I found a pretty sweet website with all these value packages... Pretty expensive, but its a start... :p Website: And uhhh... Let us know if you find...
  9. Dash

    Pizza delivery

    Um I heard from a friend that each delievery was $3.95. On top of that you get ur hourly rate, 10 bucks or whateva it is... meh... i could be wrong...
  10. Dash

    plz help ...

    Refer to this link:
  11. Dash

    Is this correct ?????

    Just wanted to point out... There is another method of obtaining the orbital velocity formula... Equate the centripetal and gravitational forces acting on the orbiting body: (GMm)/(r^2) = (mv^2/r) Multiply through by r and cancel out the m's. Then make v the subject, and you get: v...
  12. Dash


    clean out ur inbos... gotta pm u something :D
  13. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    lol so how did you guys go wif the report? I had to jig the statics lecture to put the finishing touches on mine :p Oh and when is the first part of the chem write up due?
  14. Dash

    Michelson-Morley Experiment Proved

    If you read my previous post carefully, it should all make sense...
  15. Dash

    The "L" Word

    Hmmm... I reckon I've skipped about 8 hours of lectures already :p Nothing TOO serious :)
  16. Dash

    physics textbooks

    I say stick to the Jacaranda Textbook...
  17. Dash

    dot pt 4.2.5.

    Could you give us the dot point? A few of us (I assume) do not have the syllabus at hand.
  18. Dash

    Video Ezy

    I assume you have to be ova 18 to work at a video store :) Right?
  19. Dash

    Michelson-Morley Experiment Proved

    I remember this mentioned once... But it was a one off deal... When Michelson and Morley obtained a "null" result, other experimenters wanted to prove them wrong. So yeh, there was this scientist who performed the experiment himself and obtained a result proving the aether. Since then...
  20. Dash

    Are You Behind with Your Uni Work?

    Ah... I'm pullin an all nighter to get my essay done :p