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  1. Dash

    UNSW is a bludge

    When comparing civil engineering in UTS and UNSW... UNSW gets more work to do... (gotta a couple of friends doin it :))
  2. Dash

    Do you want to organise a meet?

    Since when were the BOS T-Shirts given out... I was reading b4 that sum ppl wanted refunds for not getting them... I'm confused :confused:
  3. Dash

    What is this I'm paying for?

    oh man that sucks... thanks for that :)
  4. Dash

    What is this I'm paying for?

    This is what showed up on my payment slip along with my HECS... Any ideas on what they are? Cos I have no clue... :pMisc. Activity Fund Uni Union Subs Full Time Upfront Waiver Sports Assoc Subs Full Time Stdnt Guild Subs Full Time
  5. Dash


    But RnB is the best... Don't diss it!
  6. Dash

    Do you want to organise a meet?

    Was that a joke?
  7. Dash

    new excel 2004 edition any good?

    I thought that the excel was quite a good book. If I ever had trouble understanding certain concepts in the physics syllabus I would go to excel. The notes in there are pretty simple and easier to understand cos they're to the point. And it doesn't really whaffle on... lol yeh... so the...
  8. Dash

    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    I'm in there for my statics tute :)
  9. Dash

    Do you want to organise a meet?

    crazylildotty... edit: lol beaten...
  10. Dash

    Do you want to organise a meet?

    On the bus home :uhoh: Promise I'll turn up next time :) That is, IF there is a next time...
  11. Dash

    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    What the... why don't you do chem? I'm in JG-LG23 :p I had so much trouble finding it :p
  12. Dash

    Do you want to organise a meet?

    Shit I forgot to turn up...
  13. Dash

    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    I was in 1042... The chemistry virgins... Did you guys have a lab today (thurs) as well?
  14. Dash


    This is not the first time I've posted about this show :D But um, does anyone know what time its on? It hasn't come on the usual time for a few weeks now :confused:
  15. Dash

    average joe 2

    omfuk... therez another average joe?
  16. Dash

    William Hung "She bangs"

    His the biggest 'freshy' out... :p And yes, I agree, his popularity is getting kinda annoying... :)
  17. Dash

    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    Great? Hell yeh! But you still have to buy the books :( And they're pretty expensive :mad:
  18. Dash

    Silberberg Chemistry?

    omfuk... no way! I don't wanna spend another cent on chem books... I'm only doin it for 1 session :(
  19. Dash

    LOL. What Is Psychology Like??

    Come and do engineering then if you're worried about the guy to chick ratio :p