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  1. Dash

    Money Smart

    Same, I'm deferring all of my HECS... Need to spend money on other things atm :)
  2. Dash


    Wow Woolworths must be a really shit place to work :p
  3. Dash

    STAT171 Assignment

    lol... A friend was/is using my account :) So... answers?
  4. Dash

    STAT171 Assignment

    Please help !! Need help with STAT171 assignemnt?? Answers would be helpful!! :)
  5. Dash

    ECON110 long answer test

    Can we please get to the point!!! I have two questions! 1. What day is the test wednesday's lecture or thursdays?? 2. What bloody topics is it on??
  6. Dash

    Maple help!

    Haha, you got the same test as me :p But I dun think I'll get 14 :p I screwed up the matricies question... so I'm looking at a 10-11 :p Did you do yourz on Friday by any chance?
  7. Dash

    Maple help!

    I have a quesion... How do we input the inverse of tan(x) in maple?
  8. Dash

    ideas to imp

    Haha yeh your right xiao :)
  9. Dash

    Tips For Prac Tests

    This isn't very ethical advice, but you should tryin use it... :p Wherever you can, bullshit answers after getting the feel for them... Eg. If your timing how long it takes a bob to rotate 20 times around you.. And the exp requires you to do it 5 times over... Just do the exp twice and make...
  10. Dash

    Making money online

    I've had emailcash for a while now... Got heaps of points... But I've never converted them into cash... I'm waiting for the right time :D
  11. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    Most ov the people in my tute haven't started either... Our group has at least come up with a design :p But I doubt that it will carry 9kgz... Sounds impossible neway :p
  12. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    Its all various things really... We did 2 assignments for TurboCAD... Then we did an Excel assignment... And the MATLAB assignment that I just finished off last week... I dun like MATLAB much... I dunno how im gunna last through the computational eng course :p
  13. Dash

    Anyone know a certain James King?

    :eek: James goes out 3 days a week? Doing Law? WTF? Isn't that like... impossible? :p Esp with a double degree going?
  14. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    But theres heaps of reading involved wif Eng Prac... A book and a whole booklet worth :p Juss one question... Is Eng Comp basically the same as Computing thats done in 1st semester?
  15. Dash

    Did that just happen?

    I saw a guy at uni riding on one of those circus (one wheeled) bikes while reading some notes! What a feat! :p ..... and no, I'm not kidding!
  16. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    My timetable is good... Except for the last 2 exams that I have... I really need more time for statics, and esp computing! :mad: 18th Chemistry 22nd Maths 28th Engineering Practice 1st Computing 2nd Statics What about yours?
  17. Dash

    UNSW Examinations FAQ

    My exams go into the first week of holidays :mad: Are they allowed to do that? :p
  18. Dash

    Civil Eng II

    I screwed the statics test today... :( and I'm so screwed for the MATLAB assignment... :( Uni sucks... :(
  19. Dash

    Anyone going to Perisher Blue

    Omg bullshit! We're staying only 3 nights :p And we have no meals given to us :( We have: 3 Nights accomo 3 Day Lift Pass 3 x 2hr BONUS First Timer Lessons Total=$590 + Spending money... But since none of us have skiis, this one is cheaper for us :) I hope... :p
  20. Dash

    Anyone going to Perisher Blue

    Ok erm... I've managed to keep our trip under a grand per person :p Everyone will be spending a total of 700-800 bucks each... Howz ur holiday comin along?