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  1. R

    2010 enrolment: what day are you going?

    People who stress too much really annoy me, especially when they unexpectedly 'pass' the stress onto you.
  2. R

    Any point transferring from UWS Law to MQ Law?

    Yup it doesn't matter if those kids gained entry with 10 uai points below the cut-off. That's only one step of the journey. The difficult part is spending 5 years studying and committing yourself to a degree. Those who strive hard will get distinctions and HDs. Don't compare yourself with...
  3. R

    What are my chances

    Lol. hope you got your transfer.
  4. R

    Add a subject to timetable

    Cool that clears things up for me. Thanks :)
  5. R

    Add a subject to timetable

    Hey guys thanks for your replies. Oh lordy, I need to add a subject and I want that 20% discount. Can I just ignore the statement we will get next week, change my subjects, then pay the April statement when it is due? Hope that made sense. Thanks :)
  6. R

    apple i-pad for uni?

    I just read, it has no usb or ethernet points but it's really stylish. Really is tempting. I didn't read the specs properly but is it a tablet laptop?
  7. R

    apple i-pad for uni?

    It would definitely be handy but it draws too much attention to yourself in a small law lecture or commerce tute. Prices in the US start at $499, how about the Australian market?
  8. R

    Add a subject to timetable

    I got a proxy to help me enrol but unfortunately, I enrolled into the wrong subjects. I was trying to add subjects (I had only 3) via myUni "Student Administration Services" and it did not allow me to. Can anyone help?
  9. R

    Internal Transfer to Bcomm from Bsci at UNSW

    I don't think getting a WAM above 75 is that difficult. As long as you attend lectures and tute consistently, do your tutorial work before the tute and be active in your tute. One tip is to put a lot of effort in your assignments/class tests because it really provides a safety net should you...
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    I emailed the USyd commerce department a year ago and they suggested a UAI above 90 and a GPA of 6 (distinction) to be competitive.
  11. R

    Is it possible to accept an offer after deferring it?

    Call your uni for the definite answer.
  12. R

    Walking from Redfern Station

    You're kidding right?
  13. R

    My academic standing is at PROBATION!!

    Honestly, if you want to have a clean slate (no fails on academic transcript), you need to go to a different university and not apply for credit exemption. Even though you are starting a different degree at the same university, when you finish your economics degree, I am very sure that they will...
  14. R

    University Timetables: Basic Rules for Freshmen

    I'm doing commerce and I prefer to put a tutorial for each day I go to uni. This allows me to do the work the night before. Whereas if I do 3 tutorials in one particular day, the night before would be a crazy and hectic one (staying up to 3am doing work).
  15. R

    Paying for uni? HECS vs Upfront payment

    My parents are paying for me on the condition that I get acceptable results. No fails and at least a few distinctions.
  16. R

    is ur atar enough for usyd merit scholarship?

    Just wondering, are there any USyd merit scholarships given automatically for those already in 2nd year?
  17. R

    2010 enrolment: what day are you going?

    Relax, shit happens. Obviously you didn't call them today because it's a public holiday. Call them tomorrow and tell them you missed your enrolment. You still have to enrol in person but at a later date. I was told if I could not make my enrolment date on the 25th of Jan, I had to go on the 5th...
  18. R

    Unimail issues

    I would suggest you forward your USyd mail to your gmail account so you NEVER have to deal with outlook again :)
  19. R

    Unimail issues

    This is my post from the other thread.
  20. R

    Does the other degree in the double degree component matter?

    I think you should do arts if you prefer the 'human rights' areas. Don't just do commerce because all your mates are doing it, rather do arts because you have an actual interest in it.