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  1. R

    Are you ALLOWED to skip lectures?

    Hey there, does USyd has a min 80% attendance for its law lectures? Any idea :) Not that I will miss any.
  2. R

    UWS Commerce/Business

    Oh wow, well done then! Maybe you should just 'copy and paste' when someone creates a bashing thread about UWS :) To the OP, if you do have a choice of going to a more well-known university, just go. But if you do not have the choice, just make the best of what you have. Anyway, it is the...
  3. R

    what's harder, getting 90+ ATAR or getting distinction + (6+ gpa)

    Tutorials aren't like the HSC where they spoon-feed you. In my finance tute where they count 10% as tutorial participation, I know only a hand full of students who actively participate. Many students do not bother turning up and let that 10% mark slide. They still manage to barely pass at the...
  4. R


    1.7kg is not that heavy. My Sony Vaio weighs 2kg+ but I don't intend to carry it around uni.
  5. R

    what's harder, getting 90+ ATAR or getting distinction + (6+ gpa)

    6.8 GPA? And science? Wow kudos to you Will. To the OP, I put in no effort at all in my VCE and got a very decent UAI of 95.1. Then again, I did have last minute tuition and went to a selective school. Uni is definitely harder because there are no tutors nor spoon-feeding.
  6. R

    B comm at unsw, usyd or melbourne university? HELP

    If you live closer to UNSW, then you should go to UNSW. From what I've seen, UNSW does have a nice social life. They have a kick-ass Oktoberfest. Your social life depends on the friends you make. No point relocating to Melbourne uni to do commerce when you have offers in sydney.
  7. R

    Picking up german for uni/relaxation purposes

    Oh I don't want it to count towards my GPA. Though there are casual classes offered by the uni, I might join that.
  8. R

    Possible to transfer from Combined Law to Combined Law (at another uni)?

    If ur ATAR is significantly above 96, say 98.5 to 99.5, you might only need a credit average. Check out the transfers sticky by frigid, it shows u how to calculate ur NRSL index. You need at least above 96.15 for both USyd n UNSW. I got an NRSL of 97. You will be doing the same combined degree...
  9. R

    what's harder, getting 90+ ATAR or getting distinction + (6+ gpa)

    For me, it was way harder to get a GPA of 6.25 than UAI of 90+. I did commerce in first year and a range of subjects (no artsy subjects) in HSC.
  10. R

    Residential colleges

    You can apply in mid year. There is a residential college thread, so feel free to read that. Don't worry, 20/21 is not old :) Grats, media and communications is a really good and difficult course to get in.
  11. R

    NEW Info on Usyd Law transfer!

    Yes I absolutely agree with this. There are certain sacrifices you need to make if you want a good GPA. Cramming doesn't work, particularly for accounting courses. It might work for economics though.
  12. R

    NEW Info on Usyd Law transfer!

    Yes this new transfer scheme where they take either take the best of your UAI-GPA combo OR GPA is definitely in place. I have a horrible UAI (90s+) and they took my GPA into consideration instead. All the best for next year kiddies :)
  13. R

    2010 enrolment: what day are you going?

    Did your mates ask you to be a proxy? That's really nice of you. I can't really trust any of my friends, they are too irresponsible and i'm scared they won''t wake up on time. (mon 9-11am). Therefore, I'm asking my sister who lives interstate to help me.
  14. R

    What was ur first day @ Uni like, Uni Students?

    I hate transferring into second year at a new university, everyone already has friends. But it should be easier because I would make friends in my residential college.
  15. R


    I don't really think pdfs are a great idea for law books, maybe for commerce but not for law. There would be too many pages and highlighting for law, and it's really straining to read off the computer for so long. I would suggest you borrow them or get them secondhand at textbookexchange. Many...
  16. R

    UWS Commerce/Business

    Kalashnikov47's post provides more in-depth detail and with valuable points, so I would hold her post with more weight compared to a single-line response. Are you still doing this degree at UWS?
  17. R

    2010 enrolment: what day are you going?

    Yes I agree, in-person enrolment is a pain to those who are overseas, interstate or without a proxy.
  18. R

    Sydney University Law 2010 Roll Call

    Wow you prepared speeches before talking to him? Man, this guy must be really hard to please. To each his own, I really think it's a bit unreasonable of him to be so rude (he assumed and accused) in phone calls and not reply to emails. He just gave me the impression that I was unwelcomed...
  19. R

    Jd 2010

    Go to USyd. Newer law building :) Haha please don't be offended UNSW-ers.
  20. R

    House/Apartment Sharing in Melbourne anyone??

    hehe np! The only thing I hope to do is get a small 1br south yarra or toorak apartment before I turn 27. But I need to save 40k for the deposit. Anyway good luck with your melb course! Melbournians are so much friendlier than Sydney-siders! :)