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  1. R

    Sydney University Law 2010 Roll Call

    You mean Christopher Pile? He was so unfriendly on the phone, I have such a bad impression of him.
  2. R

    Graduate Positions 2011

    Thanks flamearrows and avant for your advice. Guess I have to pay/get other people's law notes. Although I must say, I much prefer making my own notes (even though it might not be the best) because I learn better. Best of luck for grad jobs :)
  3. R

    Transfer from B Ecos to Combined Law Degree

    Oh I must add they recommend a UAI of 96 and a distinction average. They either look at your UAI/GPA combo or GPA alone. I was extremely fortunate.
  4. R

    HECS Enrolment

    Enrolment, it says on the proxy form
  5. R

    External or Internal Transfer Easier?

    For first year comm/eco, commerce has the same first year subjects as economics (except commerce has accounting). Commerce first year (this is not the same for all unis): - Macro - Micro - Business and Eco Statistics - Acct 1a - Acct 1b - Commercial law 1 - Information Systems -...
  6. R

    science help please. advice needed.

    Which university do you plan to go to? Usually UNSW and USyd recommend at least a distinction average to successfully transfer. However for less popular courses like bioscience, a high credit average would suffice. You should aim for a distinction average (GPA>6.00) and also check out your uni's...
  7. R

    Graduate Positions 2011

    Sweet. Thanks for your help. If you don't mind me asking, on average, how many hours do you study on a weekday and the weekend? (I need some sort of guideline to get top 30%). Oh and I will be living on-campus in a rather ''calm'' college (International House), so hopefully studying would be...
  8. R

    I did not get into my course

    Yes I agree with the above post. Leaving us hanging on a piece of thread does not help. You got to give us details so we can give advice and sympathy.
  9. R

    Are Law lectures recorded?

    Hey guys, thanks for ur replies. I really want to get a livescribe pen but it's really expensive! I'm so scared they'll get stolen. Kujah, are commerce lectures (accounting) generally recorded? Thanks
  10. R

    uni enrolment and subject selections

    Good luck hun! I'm getting my sister to help me enrol via proxy. It's so confusing as I am transferring and unsure of which subjects to pick
  11. R

    University Timetables: Basic Rules for Freshmen

    Spread out tutes= win. So you can do your homework in that hour before your tute begins. Trust me, some tutors are absolute bitches and will blast you if you don't do your work.
  12. R

    what percentage people @ uni would u say join clubs?

    Hey there, usually first year students would be SUPER enthusiastic and join all the clubs they have a slight interest in. As the months progress, you will find ur membership redundant and a waste of money. This I can say for me and my mates.
  13. R

    Graduate Positions 2011

    Guys, after reading this thread on whirlpool, it seems there is no future for future law grads unless you do honours. What do you guys think? Personally, I'm aiming for a 75-80 WAM but I'm scared i'll crumble under the pressure. I'm also going to enroll in speed-reading courses and learn German.
  14. R

    Do you know anyone who's never got a Pass at uni?

    Me! My lowest mark was one credit. But then again it's only my first year.
  15. R

    Transfer from B Ecos to Combined Law Degree

    Yes it is. I transferred from a commerce course to a combined law course. My GPA was 6.25, ATAR 95.1. Good luck.
  16. R

    UTS law transfer to USYD or UNSW law

    I got a GPA of 6.25 in commerce, UAI of 95.1 and managed to transfer to USyd. My best mate had a better UAI and GPA than me but he failed to get in USyd. It really depends on luck too. Good luck hun.
  17. R

    UNSW Law to USYD Law

    Well, you can only transfer at the end of this year. Chances are, you will probably make awesome friends in UNSW and love your time there :) Though if I were you, I would stay in UNSW and be happy that you managed to get in law even though the cut-offs increased. I heard there were 63 less law...
  18. R

    monash law externaltransfer

    Hey thanks Mookiez. You're spot on about not putting all the eggs in one basket, I applied to Monash just in case I didn't get to USyd. Anyway, everything worked out fine. I didn't get my law offers to Monash and Flinders University was really upset. However I got law offers from UQ and UWA...
  19. R

    How long do i have till my first offer is due to the uni?

    ehhh. you should call up your faculty. Usually the enrollment date is your deadline.
  20. R

    Master of Commerce/Finance - Kaplan

    Pardon my ignorance, but what is Kaplan? Is it a university? Links?