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  1. Fizzy_Cyst

    Changing option topic

    Section II booklet (ie option topic) is now personalised
  2. Fizzy_Cyst

    Changing option topic

    Just to throw a spanner in the works here.. I have been told that the booklets for the option topic will actually not be blank booklets anymore, they will be booklets which have set space for the questions and the booklets will already have your name on the front of them (to avoid booklets...
  3. Fizzy_Cyst

    This is literally driving me crazy

    Pi and Sigma are two different types of bonds. Sigma bonds are much stronger. In benzene, the resonance is due to delocalised Pi electrons.
  4. Fizzy_Cyst

    This is literally driving me crazy

    Ur probs thinking Pi bonds, not sigma
  5. Fizzy_Cyst

    This is literally driving me crazy

    Did your teacher use the term resonating or sp2 hybridised (hopefully not that latter, cuz you really need Molecular Orbital Theory) to explain that
  6. Fizzy_Cyst

    AC Induction Motors

    less simply > there is a rotor and a stator > the stator consists of three pairs of opposing coils, each connected to a single phase of a three-phase AC power supply which produces an apparent rotating magnetic field > the rotor is made up of parallel aluminum bars (that looks like a squirrel...
  7. Fizzy_Cyst

    How to draw line of best fit?

    Keep it within the domain. Your line of best fit is only valid for the data which you have, there is no way of telling if the LOBF is valid for any points outside those given, thus it would not be valid to use it outside the points given
  8. Fizzy_Cyst

    Combustion: Liquid or gaseous water?

    Not too sure how picky they are with this, but it would be water vapour which is created as a product of the combustion reaction, but this then (next to) immediately condenses into liquid water
  9. Fizzy_Cyst

    Eddy Currents Induction Cooktop

    This is true, but collisions between electrons and lattice is not the sole source of heat loss. Slide 38/39 The equation can be used whenever current flows through a conductor. It is a general eqn for power loss
  10. Fizzy_Cyst

    Eddy Currents Induction Cooktop

    Yeah, don't be misled. Some sources say that Iron works well with induction cooktops due to its high resistance, which is incorrect! The main mechanism via which heat is generated in induction cooktops is magnetic hysteresis, rather than induced eddy currents. Otherwise, Aluminium (which is a...
  11. Fizzy_Cyst

    Eddy Currents Induction Cooktop

    The lower the resistance of the pot, the greater the size of the eddy current. Power loss (I.e heat) is directly proportional to current squared, the greater the current, the greater the heat generated :)
  12. Fizzy_Cyst

    Physics Tutoring for HSC 2015 -- NEED BAND 6 STUDENTS!!! PROVEN RESULTS!!!

    Spent over 2 hours today with one of my 2014 HSC tutoring students to consolidate some material which he had uncertainties about. Free of charge!
  13. Fizzy_Cyst

    Eddy Currents on a Copper Ring

    Yep, B is wrong for HSC sake. HSC wants us to say that for eddy currents to flow, there MUST be a closed loop for it to flow through :(
  14. Fizzy_Cyst

    Eddy Currents on a Copper Ring

    This is a case of what I like to call "HSC SEZ" HSC SEZ that there must be a closed loop for 'eddy currents' to 'flow', therefore as soon as a slit goes the full length of the ring, no eddy currents can flow, no induced magnetic field, no opposition to motion, therefore C is the answer as the...
  15. Fizzy_Cyst

    HSC Physics - 2014 Predictions

    I worked in industry during uni, but I amz teh teach0r now
  16. Fizzy_Cyst


    Easy way to think of it -- at equilibrium, ions in lattice are all arranged uniformly, electron comes through, causes lattice to distort (thus changing the energy in the lattice) -- this energy must come from somewhere -- it arises due to the electron releasing a phonon which is then transferred...
  17. Fizzy_Cyst


    Most recent HSC exam which asked about BCS -- no need for phonons (I think 2012?) whereas earlier exam it was in the marking scheme (I think ~2005) as our understanding of super conductivity has changed (flux pinning / quantum trapping) in the interim. So, u would expect that you would not need...
  18. Fizzy_Cyst

    HSC Physics - 2014 Predictions

    Be careful! MagLev trains require high strength electromagnets, which utilise electricity, which is generated from coal-fired power stations, which emit CO2 which contributes to global warming
  19. Fizzy_Cyst

    HSC Physics Marathon 2013-2015 Archive

    Re: HSC Physics Marathon 2014 /presses F5 repeatedly
  20. Fizzy_Cyst

    Physics Tutoring for HSC 2015 -- NEED BAND 6 STUDENTS!!! PROVEN RESULTS!!!

    Thanks for your comments peoples :) Xin, you have worked so hard to improve this much! I am so happy to be a part of your success! :D I have had 5 students contact me to reserve spots for HSC 2016 -- if you are interested, please PM me