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  1. davidbarnes

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Yeah, I too was expecting the provisional marks to be released online althoguh they wern't (at least wern't a couple of horus ago). Although I got an email a few minutes ago from Blennerhasset saying he supports the NTEU action etc and won't officially release the marks, althoguh the email he...
  2. davidbarnes

    Ausstudy/youth allowance/chanes

    I'm currently taking a gap year off before university next year and have a couple of question's about Ausstudy/Youth Allowance/ the thing where you work for a year and earn 18,000 in 12 months or so to qualify. However I have heard that this has changed with this years federal budget. Has these...
  3. davidbarnes

    do we also get the $950

    Can I say I earnt 6001 the npay 30c tax or whatever and get my money lol?
  4. davidbarnes

    I was offereed a job

    Franklin ' rung me today and offered me a job filling shelves from 5 to 8, 5 to 8 AM!!!!! What the fuck? Who fills their shelves in the morning? Politely told the mno thanks. I'll take my 8:30 to 5:30 job anyday thanks.
  5. davidbarnes

    do we also get the $950

    Okay so looking at that, could I file a 07-08 return saying I earnt $100 (from mowing lawns whahtever) and stil lget it? Don't think I will though.
  6. davidbarnes

    Filing tax return for 07-08

    So can I file a return?
  7. davidbarnes


    I love this show.
  8. davidbarnes

    Filing tax return for 07-08

    The Daily Telegraph (Sunday) says: "Q: I am an 18-year old in my first year of work abd have not put in a tax return yet. What about me?" "A: You can still get the bonus if you put in a 2007-08 tax return before June 30 thsi year."
  9. davidbarnes

    Filing tax return for 07-08

    Can I file a tax return for 07-08 even though I didn't earn any money then (wasn't working)? The Daily telegraph (Sydney) today suggests that I can.
  10. davidbarnes

    Am I being ripepd of?

    Okay thanks guys. I guess I';; just live with it, considering I'm learnign soemthign useful and that it wil lalso help my uni degree next year.
  11. davidbarnes

    Am I being ripepd of?

    Yes i get sickleave, annual leave and those entitlemnts etc.
  12. davidbarnes

    Am I being ripepd of?

    Not for this job sorry. I meant my old job which I left to take this one payed better.
  13. davidbarnes

    Am I being ripepd of?

    Junior computer draftsman.
  14. davidbarnes

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    I think both sides are handling the ceasefire well.
  15. davidbarnes

    Victorian bushfires

    Re: At least 14 dead in Victoria bushfires Very sad.
  16. davidbarnes

    Am I being ripepd of?

    Got a new job (and it is great, best ever, although I took a pay cut to accept it), 12 month contract fulltime. For those 12 months I will be 17 for 6 weeks, 18 for 46 weeks. I am being paid $10.41 an hour (for the full 12 months). is thsi below minimum wage.
  17. davidbarnes

    $950 stimulus payment

    I got a TFN number around Oct/Nov last year. I completed year 12 at the end of last year. I've been working this year (fulltime). I did not file a tax return last year as I simply did not earn any money. Does this mean I won't get the $950 tax bonus in the stimulus plan? I am currently 17 (18 in...
  18. davidbarnes

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Soldiers are also taught restraint.
  19. davidbarnes

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    If Canberra be came its own coutnry and started shellign Sydney, we woudl want everythign doen to stop them. You go to war to win, not to lose. Face it ,Israel has a far superior military, and the terrorits (hamas) are bloody idiots. They now admit that Israel reacted far greater than they...
  20. davidbarnes

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    It doesn't take a brilliant scientist (such as Einstein) to work out how Gaza can solve this. If Hamas stops firing rockets into Israel, then Israel will leave gaza. Simple. Until then israel has every right to destroy gaza to stop attacks on its civillains by hamas, the elected govenment of...