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  1. davidbarnes


    Seriously so I'm goign to go roudn a heap of palces tomorrow. What exactly do I say? Do I ask to speak to the manager? Do I ask if they have any available jobs or what exactly???
  2. davidbarnes


    \ Hopefully I'll get a job in a safe escort company, not some filthy brothel. I'm going around to see them and give them my resume tomorrow.
  3. davidbarnes

    Where to get Projectile Motion Questions

    Past HSC Papers.
  4. davidbarnes

    Complex numbers

    I understand the above. How do you solve simultaneous questions by 'y - x' and 'x+ y'? Sorry if its real simple.
  5. davidbarnes

    Complex numbers

    how does it go from + i²y1y2to - y1y2 Does i² = -1? Thats some complicated BB code as well.
  6. davidbarnes

    Prempt the Questions Thread

    Re: 回复: Re: 回复: Re: 回复: Re: Prempt the Questions Thread Yes Biopol is good.
  7. davidbarnes

    Leave an exam early?

    People who leave early are abolsute fuckheads.
  8. davidbarnes

    Am I The Only One?

    I have a general idea which I adapt. I haven't memoised it word for word, but i know the plot pretty well.
  9. davidbarnes

    all nighters thread 2008

    I sleep at about 4am.
  10. davidbarnes

    Projectile Motion Q22 Fitz3U

    I wouldn't use the formulas at all. The cartesian method is the way to go and the way they'll ask you to do a question in the exam in general.
  11. davidbarnes

    How do YOU feel..

    I feel sad it is coming to an end. Karina.
  12. davidbarnes

    What study did you do today?

    I wrote English essays up until 5 am. The had English tutoring this morning and learnt/revised heaps. Will do a 2 unit maths paper later as well as revise physics and chemistry.
  13. davidbarnes

    Mathematical Induction

    Thanks for the help. I've got a pretty good grasp on this now.
  14. davidbarnes

    Checking over answers

    What is 'namu'?
  15. davidbarnes

    Best/Most Useful Textbook

    Maths in Focus
  16. davidbarnes

    is ag dead??

    Lol, thats a nice joke.
  17. davidbarnes

    Prelim Star Nuclear Reaction Help

    I never learnt that.
  18. davidbarnes

    UAI Estimate, Please.

    75 I'd turn gay for him.