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  1. Bunny04

    New Best Private School

    LOL Brigidine College... pft.. thats ... well St Ives.. But Bridgo Randwick..Pft..
  2. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    It was just rehearsing with your own groups really and a few concerts from selected chamber groups
  3. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    we kinda just had two weeks holiday.. special projects week (well for me at least) was pretty free
  4. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    Yup tomorrow is normal classes etc. oh damn.. harmony assignment.. oops.
  5. Bunny04

    Coogee Sydney

    There is no one at Coogee for schoolies.. its way to suburban.. and only locals end up staying there... very dead usually... the only places to go out at coogee is the 'palace' and the Coogee bay hotel.... both pretty boring... mind you the palace is ok... but you would not want to spend long...
  6. Bunny04

    noone did dance?

    I got an average mark- But my assessment marks were better than my exam mark *scowls* I got high 80's in assessment.. but the exam pulled me down *sob*
  7. Bunny04

    Conservatoriums - GENERAL: Entry, atmosphere, auditions etc.

    If you guys are stressing about UAI Entry to the COn for Bachelor or perf course (like Dip) you dont need to worry AT ALL!!!!!!!!! trust me ^.^
  8. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    this board has turned into a rather random thread ... lol ----- Special Projects Week Do you know of ANY Con Violinist looking for a chamber music group ? ? ? In need of Violinst for piano Quartet, Semester 1 Chamber music- Playing Will. Walton Piano Quartets
  9. Bunny04

    Conservatoriums - GENERAL: Entry, atmosphere, auditions etc.

    Bleh... there is definatley NO offical UAI.... *phew*
  10. Bunny04

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    The worst movie... lets see - Titanic ( jsut way too over the top... ) - A walk to Remember (total crap mush ) - A.I (have to agree with most of ya on that one) - Elektra - Daredevil - Troy - Queen of the Dammed (maybe just for my hating of Stuart T. ) - and the new movie...
  11. Bunny04

    DONNIE DARKO -- Reviews and Discussion

    Its not supposed to be based on the 'mental health' side that is shown in the movie. ( the original didnt go that deeply into it really.. only teh directors cut) Its from Donnies perspective.. in the 'tangent' universe.... and its not really at all focusing on what its like to be a paranoid...
  12. Bunny04

    What's the last game you played?

    The Sims 2 University Expansion Pack
  13. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    Lol.. Special project week - hmm..... chamber music... i think ... or maybe i will spend my week trying to FIND my stupid Piano Quartet!
  14. Bunny04

    What are you currently Reading?

    "down under" Bill Bryson
  15. Bunny04

    Omg- Harry Potter 6 is complete!

    I know this may be slightly random... but has anyone here read the pardoy... "Barry Trotter and the Dead Horse" i found it , apparantly my sister bought it, its quite funny in some parts... very boring and stupid in other parts... what you think?
  16. Bunny04

    Major Project... when and what - ^_^

    thanks for the info guys- twill help ! ^_^
  17. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    Oh yeah...student admin... ^_^;;;;;;; Tee hee.... thats one place i forgot.... im' going today tehn *scurries off * cheers for that ^_^;;
  18. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    ** help needed ** Does anyone know what you have to do to transfer from one course to another at the con. ( between Dip. Music (perf) to Bach. Music Perf ... anyone know how to apply/ what marks needed... ) im in 1st year doing Dip mus, and they told me i could apply for transfer.. just don't...
  19. Bunny04

    Major Project... when and what - ^_^

    ahh... ok.. *scratches chin*
  20. Bunny04

    what happens if u don't get a good uai?

    UAI can be important depending on what course you want to do... but remember you have until AUGUSt to decide what you want' to do at Uni, if you end up still wanting to go.... don't stress now...just do your best.. there are always other pathways.... TAFE.... re-do year 12 ... there are plenty...