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  1. undalay

    Bring-info-into-examroom science assessments-

    You should ask your teacher. Open book assessments are easy with sufficient prep. Try your very best to get full marks.
  2. undalay

    Help Me Factorise~!~@#@!

    adsfasdfsdf Use cubic formula : D
  3. undalay


    ooooh yes that is a good way also :] Rui uu lovee cambridgee. Terry Lee is better coz we brute force everything. Elegant proofs are forr girls.
  4. undalay

    How do I answer this?

    Anybody want to clarify? Do you need to explain why a polymer is hard for example. I.e. do you need to explain about intermolecular forces or branching? Or saying it is rigid is enough (or something like that)
  5. undalay


    Sub It In Its Not Messy hint: sub in then use delta = 0 (since its tangent)
  6. undalay

    Bring-info-into-examroom science assessments-

    Theres a journal article search engine called proquest, however you'll need an account and to get that you'll need to go to state libraryyy.
  7. undalay

    Study group

    YEah right... that's why normal classes have extreme levels of motivation.
  8. undalay

    Study group

    group work is never more productive then independent work, only exception is when your the weakest link in your entire group.
  9. undalay

    BSc means UNEMPLOYMENT, true or false?

    80% employment because Bsc people like further study.
  10. undalay

    Anyone else feel that their school is behind with work?

    Our schools chat too, 4u only done complex and poly, started conics on friday -.-; lol, got suspended for jigging eco to do maths. that is quite the sad =.=. Our eco teacher just talks about politics too. fkn fort street so chat =[
  11. undalay

    POlynomials q

    thx guys.
  12. undalay

    POlynomials q

    for the polynomial p(z) = z^4 + bz^2 + (b^2/4) for what values of b does p(z) have real roots?
  13. undalay

    Factorise Question

  14. undalay

    How do I answer this?

    Foam Cups - Cheap, light weight, heat insulator, not chemically active. Surfboards - Rigid, Cheap, light weight, resisitant to water.
  15. undalay

    electrolytic cells

    Is this in the core modules for chem? Or just galvanic cells. Electrolytic cells are in shipwrecks and salvage option, we don't need to know about them if we're not doing that option, correct? I didn't find anything in the PoM syllabus, just double checking.
  16. undalay

    So You Think You Can Dance (Australia)

    TV ruins the detail and technique of the dancing imo. Rather be there in person. The cameraperson also zooms and pans at the most random moments.
  17. undalay

    How Seriously...

    You see the latter half is a square. x4 - (x2 +2x +1) x4 - (x +1)2 Difference of 2 squares. (x2-x-1)(x2+x+1)
  18. undalay

    How Seriously...

    Prelim year.
  19. undalay

    How Seriously...

    Cambridge 3unit yr 11. Inside the parabola topic