Search results

  1. Fizzy_Cyst

    Alpha Omega Holiday Workshops 2012

    I'm gonna go for the lulz. Mebbe I can blend in with people 10 years my junior, roflmao
  2. Fizzy_Cyst

    HSC Preliminary and HSC Question!!!!

    Main stuff in prelim to carry over to HSC course are: World Communicates: Wave Equation EM Spectrum (order and relative wavelengths) Inverse Square Law Electrical Energy Electric Fields Ohms Law Power Magnetic Fields Moving About Speed/Acceleration Vectors N2L Centripetal...
  3. Fizzy_Cyst

    Is it true that you can't get over 98?

    It is hard. I did standard and got above that. It is EXTREMELY hard to get Band 6 in Standard. This year 56 students got Band 6 in Standard English. That is out of 34,593 students (0.16%) Band 5 was 8.7% this year (3,011 students) Compared to Advanced, which is 13.3%B6 and 44.85%B5
  4. Fizzy_Cyst

    Physics tutoring -- NEW CLASS STARTING JANUARY!!

    Some excellent results from my tutor students! James: Physics - 92 ATAR 99.2! Arish: Physics - 93 (Exam Mark 95) ATAR 99.5! Waiting on more results!! :) I am annoyed at Arish for beating my own UAI :(
  5. Fizzy_Cyst

    Distinguished Achievers List (with sort/searchable excel file)

    Re: Distinguished Achievers List Oh serious! DAMN! That's a whole lot of work :) Thx Rafy A couple of my tutor students should go REAL well judging by their achievements :)
  6. Fizzy_Cyst

    Distinguished Achievers List (with sort/searchable excel file)

    Re: Distinguished Achievers List cant find the .csv file? IS there one?
  7. Fizzy_Cyst

    When do teachers get our results?

    As above. Principals get the list around the same time as you guys got access (6am), but not all teachers have access to the results. It is determined by the principal who has access to the results, they usually filter through to all the teachers during the day.
  8. Fizzy_Cyst

    Year 10 school certificate results 2011

    :( Get your parents to move. :)
  9. Fizzy_Cyst

    Year 10 school certificate results 2011

    Girraween. Understandable. But I still hate him now.
  10. Fizzy_Cyst

    Have they called anyone yet for state ranking?

    LoL, I got excited for a second. I tutored the guy who came 2nd in Physics @ Girra this year
  11. Fizzy_Cyst

    First in Course List

    Weren't you Baulko guys expecting a girl from your school to top the state in 4u?
  12. Fizzy_Cyst

    Year 10 school certificate results 2011

    Tell me about it :( Our highest achieving SC Science student is leaving :( I would have enjoyed teaching him Physics...
  13. Fizzy_Cyst

    Year 10 school certificate results 2011

    My school is ranked similar to that and we got 2 students with 100 in computing! :) But, we always lose our better students to other schools :(
  14. Fizzy_Cyst

    Hard Projectile Motion Question Please Help

    Use range equation to determine Ux Use DELTAy = Uyt + 1/2ayt^2 to determine uy You then have your two initial components and you can determine initial velocity
  15. Fizzy_Cyst

    Year 10 school certificate results 2011

    +1 :) Here is a summary of them all: Subject Mean SD English - Literacy 77 9 Mathematics 71 12.5 Science 75...
  16. Fizzy_Cyst

    Year 10 school certificate results 2011

    Yes, The Mean in the science was just over 75 and SD of around 10. About 68% were band 4 or above In maths mean was 70, SD of 12.5. Only 47% of students band 4 or above -- 21% of students were Band 2!! Compared to 5% in Science and 3% in English!!!
  17. Fizzy_Cyst

    Year 10 school certificate results 2011

    88% of the state getting band 4 or above... There are kids at my school who cant even spell their name correctly and got band 4 I cannot understand how such a test could be valid
  18. Fizzy_Cyst

    Year 10 school certificate results 2011

    Schools got the results today. Testamurs and Record of achievements are meant to be delivered by Wednesday. English results this year are ridiculous...
  19. Fizzy_Cyst

    Physics tutoring -- NEW CLASS STARTING JANUARY!!

    WEBSITE LAUNCHED! 2011 Results: James: Physics - 92 ATAR 99.2! Arish: Physics - 93 (Exam Mark 95) ATAR 99.5! Sherron: Physics - 89 ATAR 98.5! Amy: (Former Student) Physics - 89 ATAR 99.45! Awaiting other results :) Hey everyone, I am a qualified teacher...