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  1. wrxsti

    Mike Baird: Next leader for Liberal Party NSW?

    If you put a dog to run for NSW liberal in the next election against labour he would win.
  2. wrxsti

    what a bunch of rude pricks!!!

    people are rude, deal with it.
  3. wrxsti

    Official UAI Results

    97.5 i wanted 99 but im still 2.5 marks above the cut off so im happy :)
  4. wrxsti

    Religious extremists accuse Coca-Cola of blasphemy

    er, why wud coca cola waste their time doing that?..... what exactly would they be attemping to achieve by doing that, they are a business they want to make money at all costs............ why would they want to offend a potential 1.1 billion + potential customers
  5. wrxsti

    Chemical Engineering at UNSW or USYD

    Go to UNSW, im doing chem engineering / commerce double degree. so ill see ya dere...
  6. wrxsti

    General thoughts- Extension 1 maths

    i got 49/50 Inverse + SMH + Projectiles were my fav topic :) i didnt get state ranking though :( im burning :(
  7. wrxsti


    Hey im just curious to see wat ur gonna end up doing cause i am reallt on the exact same lines as u in wat course i want to do... and i was also thinkin if i will be able to pursue a career in physiotherepy through the health and excercise science course.... Thanks
  8. wrxsti

    Age Of Empires 2

    I used to play Age of Mythology. In "Death Match" i was 1880 Number 2 in the World
  9. wrxsti


    how hard is it really? like if you have a thorough knowledge of bio, chem and physics what are your chances of getting good marks? y r alot of people afraid of the exam? what makes it so diffcult or dauting to many? thx in advanced
  10. wrxsti

    Australians pay $41 million for Catholic World Youth Day.

    Imagine this "Australians pay $41 MILLION for MUSLIM youth day". could you imagine the havok, horror, outrage that would ensue?
  11. wrxsti

    The unmerits of affirmative action

    That would be more appropriate, Yes :)
  12. wrxsti

    The unmerits of affirmative action

    2 conclusions i hace drawn 1) You Vote liberal 2) Your a Severly right winged poltical Extremist. However. Pregnant women are bad for the economy and should be catapulted. That is all... For now
  13. wrxsti

    gay marriages and adoption

    Gays and Lesbians should be catapulted. :) :P
  14. wrxsti

    (NEW) Palestinian state - False Hope? or a major development?

    The great Israeli Army.... Bombing Qana in Lebanon killing over 200 women and children....... mmhmm... and they are supposed to have precision, highly sophisticated missiles. Very humane army.
  15. wrxsti

    Prison Break (Australian tv followers - no spoilers)

    Prison break has 1000 twists every episode... i reckon Sarah prolly isnt dead..
  16. wrxsti

    Weather Channel Founder: Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Why is it when anybody challenges the existing Global Warming Theory they are immediatly connected to "scientists working with greedy fossil fuel industries....."
  17. wrxsti

    Exam ISSUE!

    hi everyone, today was one of the worst days of my life lol. Firstly i get to uni around 5 hours before exam so i can study hardcore, however when i leave my car to go to the toilet, i come back and my passenger -front window is smashed. I had to wait 1-2 hours for uws security to attend to...
  18. wrxsti

    Federal election - Predictions

    If Howard loses his bennelong seat, he cant be PM right? :S
  19. wrxsti

    Weather Channel Founder: Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    I Read somewhere that in the US, Al Gores "An inconvenient truth" was going to be distrubuted to a majority of schools, then a court ruled that "An inconvenient truth" had over 11 errors... (exagerations etc..) I also read somewhere that the predicted increase in temperature is 4Degrees over...