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  1. wrxsti

    UAI? What do you think you would get as a UAI?

    At the start of the year.... i was thinking of UAI of around 90.. (highest UAI in our school was 93) However after Trials and now HSC. im hoping for a 98+ hopefully. :) i need 95.1 so hopefully i will exceed that
  2. wrxsti

    Class of 2007: Roll Call

    Thats true morgan... im comming first in all my subs by a long shot... theres no-one really there to push me which is kinda weird, cause its hard to keep motivated.... eg) Im comming first for physics with a 93 Overall.... second is on 75
  3. wrxsti

    15 yrs old French boy gang raped in Dubai

    Your a deadset idiot, Pre-Islamic????? wtf? Shiek raping people? . Oh my god. everyone on this forum just lost 10 IQ points after reading your posts.
  4. wrxsti

    Some help plz.

    I duno how to upload images, but in the 2002 HSC paper for Question 10, the answer is written as B.. how exactly can it be "B" shouldnt it be "A"? According to the diagram, firstly minimal magnetic flux is being cut and so no emf, then the next position maxiumum magnetic flux is being cut...
  5. wrxsti

    Physics equations

    i think i know this equation from somewhere..... ummm...... i think its from chemistry ( i miss it already :P).. Electrolysis. Faradays law for Electrolysis?
  6. wrxsti

    Physics equations

    er, what are the last 3 equations?
  7. wrxsti

    General thoughts?

    This is the most unprepared i have ever been for a exam in my entire life :)
  8. wrxsti

    What Your think your raw marks will be?

    Personally i found the test easier than the 2unit one :S. Im hoping for a 81/84 .. my favourite topics came up in Q6,7 :) What would this scale to? What you think ur raw marks will be for this test?
  9. wrxsti

    Mathematical Induction (MI) (Mission Impossible :S)

    i dont even know how to begin thi question :S Prove using Mathetmatical Induction that the sum of a geometric series is a(1-r^n)/(1-r)
  10. wrxsti

    Exam Thoughts

    How did you find the exam?
  11. wrxsti

    Gud Luk all

    Good luck everyone for MX1 on wednesday :)
  12. wrxsti

    General Thoughts - Mathematics

    personally i found it quite easy :S but then again i have done 10 000 000 000 past papers :S. prolly 117+ (:)) chance i could get 120. but unlikely. my assesment mark that my teacher handed in was 100, if i get 117-8/120 would that scale up to like 100?
  13. wrxsti

    Raw Marks?

  14. wrxsti

    Fights with parents!!

    ive got a good idea, do what i did, place a plastic bag over your mum and dads head for 5 mins, they stop bothering you... its worked too well though... they havent really said much for the past 2 weeks.... all they do is "sleep"... weird
  15. wrxsti

    General Thoughts - General Mathematics

    very true.
  16. wrxsti

    General Thoughts - General Mathematics

    You seem like a real dickhead, some people may have found it hard, try doing 3unit or 4unit math then start acting like a hotshot, your just pathetic. I seriosuly hope u fail.
  17. wrxsti

    Raw Marks?

    i know i got 1 Definetly wrong in mulitple choice which has made me bang my head into the wall for the past 2 days. . There are maybe 2-3marks im not 100% of :S. Overall if worst comes to worst i expecting 95 raw .. im always gana think what couldve been, cause i seriosuly...
  18. wrxsti

    General Thoughts - General Mathematics

    i dont do general math, but the people in my school found it alright, The dude comming first reckons he would get a 90 raw :S
  19. wrxsti


  20. wrxsti

    Fine mess as police car stolen

    Every government is incompetent, some moreso, i love morris iemma, he sounds like a good bloke. lol.