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  1. wrxsti


    Im doing Chem Engineering/ Commerce. Im fixing my timetable up and i have classes on Monday 12pm-2pm then 2pm-3pm then 3pm-5pm. I was just wondering how long before the specifyed time do the classes finish?? like for Lectures and Tutorials with these times will i be late to any of...
  2. wrxsti

    Help the farmers - Drought Action Day - 15th Feb

    FFS if it rained for 100 days straight, NOTHING WOULD GO INTO THE DAMS. and we would still be in drought. The Drought is a conspiracy, Middle-eastern Terrorist Farmers are tricking the Australian People into donating their money which is funnelled to Al Qaeda. :)
  3. wrxsti

    Tutoring for 3U

    lol, textbook means NOTHING, I had maths in focus for 2unit maths, and i had Jones and Couchman for 3unit maths. Jones and Couchman was freakn 60 years old. and Maths in Focus a 2 year old could complete it. I USED those textbooks only. Plus a lot of HSC past papers. HSC Marks...
  4. wrxsti

    Chemistry: Study Tips (Mnemonics, Techniques, Etc.)

    Firstly the only one i learnt for my HSC was OIL RIG. Secondly Youve done enough work in year 11 so as to not get confused between "Meth" and "Eth" and no offence but your a dead set idiot if you dont know Pent, hex, Hept, Oct, Non, dec. so basically you only really need to work...
  5. wrxsti

    Are we allowed to do this?

    True. Even Auto-timetable couldnt place all my classes in for me. (IM SERIOUS :()
  6. wrxsti

    UNSW O-Week

    Is UNSW 0-week really worth it? Like what kind of activities are done there?
  7. wrxsti

    Should I Do The Chemistry Bridging Course?

    Have they offered bridging courses already? i wana do a bridging course cause i didnt do MX2. When are they on?
  8. wrxsti

    Gym and Computer Room?

    I was just wondering im looking at the map that UNSW sent me. and ive noticed that there is no gym or Computer room at the Kensington Campus. Are there any?? If there is a gym how much does it cost per month?
  9. wrxsti

    Lost my student ID! what to do!?

    i lost my Stu. Id No. and i called them on the weekend, left them a message with my details and saying that i lost my id number, they then called me on monday (today) morning and asked me for my last name and then gave me the ID. They will give you the ID over the phone. Its the unipass that...
  10. wrxsti

    Rules for Fat People

    Your Ugly Fucked up Face makes me "lol". You people are pathetic. No-one wants to be fat. Talk to any fat person and they will ALL say they have tryed to lose it. People have some problems. Its not easy to lose weight. You try fucking losing 10kg then come back to me. Now i wait for the...
  11. wrxsti

    Some Help Please.

    I have lost my Student ID. (yes i know im stupid). How can i get it back? Ive looked ALL over the website and it only has information on how to get my Unipass . I know my Unipass password. i just dont know my Student ID.
  12. wrxsti

    how long until accept offer?

    how long do we have to accept our offer from uac? (uts offer specifically)? until what date?
  13. wrxsti

    More tax money to religious schools

    All you guys do is bitch, shut up and deal with it. Keep Crying. They're donating 20 Million to the Mossies. Theyre Funnelling funds to Al Qaeda. Who cares. Toughen up.
  14. wrxsti

    Memorise Syllabus?

    heyy forbidden how did you go in HSC chem?
  15. wrxsti

    Hate Crime - Mohammad the lost dog

    Everyone except yourself ay.
  16. wrxsti

    Garrett considers banning plastic bags

    i heart plastic bags
  17. wrxsti

    Islam push for Australian-bred leaders

    OMG OMG OMG. Ms Ihram was my school principal. (Last year) Now i know what happened to her. hmm