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  1. Omium

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Dude leave John Oliver alone, Since schoridinger got banned he has no more internet buddies to become a puppet to.
  2. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Re: 回复: Re: 回复: Re: general UNSW chit-chat so your the dude that keeps doing that to me ? :angry: :)
  3. Omium

    Toddler art fools gallery

    I remember around a year'ish ago i was watching the news and there was a large blank white canvas on sale as art.... for $40,000
  4. Omium

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Zionist = banco55
  5. Omium

    Musicians at UNSW!

    You beat me to it :( Edit : i can try the flute :)
  6. Omium

    Toddler art fools gallery

    Art gallery fooled by toddler's work
  7. Omium

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    lol, as weird as it sounds they are trying to spark armageddon they only support Israel cause those freaks think that if Israel takes over Palestine / other areas armageddon will ensue
  8. Omium

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    You are such a stupid bitch, read the thread, ill just be repeating what has already been said 1000 times.
  9. Omium

    Short-term MEMORY LOSS

    lol, That makes me feel better. I know i live in Australia..... somewhere :confused:
  10. Omium

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    This is so true, Hey i got an idea, this strategy hasnt worked for 60 straight years, but you know, it might work now...........
  11. Omium

    1st Year Fine Arts 75 WAM

    I have absolutely no IDEA :)
  12. Omium

    Uni Students and BOS

    WTF dude? No such thing as uni Forums
  13. Omium

    Is O-Week useful?

    Dont waste a ticket, 0-week isnt worth an airline ticket from china, trust me.
  14. Omium

    financial crisis effect on Engineering

    What Financial Crisis. Rio Tinto Cut 12 000 Jobs, so theres your indicator
  15. Omium

    Timetabling at UNSW

    You Non Engineering people are making me jealous :( In the past year (and this Summer) I have Uni every single day, with something like 23 hours of classes a week..... And the worst part is, its the same thing in semester 1 2009 :(:jaw:
  16. Omium

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    You live in place with a high incidence of rape, you get raped, Ah well its to be expected. lets not go after the perpetrators, Its your fault you were stupid enough to still live there. You live in a place with a high incidence of murder, you get murdered, Ah well its to be...
  17. Omium

    University Medal / Award.

    Ok im just wondering what WAM is needed for ANY award / medal at the end of the graduation. Im currently on WAM on 80.1, i know this is nowhere near enough for anything but im just wondering how high should my WAM be if i were to aim for an award / medal. (If anyone says 90 ill have...
  18. Omium

    Maths & Terminal Velocity

    Given enough distance through which to fall, The terminal speeds will equal
  19. Omium

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    They are trolling, Just ignore them.
  20. Omium

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Thats pretty much what seems to be going on. 'What is the difference between the pilot who blew my father to pieces and the militant