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  1. C

    Manners in today's society

    SBS television Manners still exist today, it's just that our way of expressing them may be different to 60 years ago, so old people think everyone is rude P.S. can you get Les Murray sacked, it's just beyond pathetic these days
  2. C

    hai guyz do u think we should tattoo DFEE on fee payin students foreheads?

    They aren't more deserving because they didn't get a high enough UAI to earn a CSP place and chose not to pay for their degree instead :D
  3. C

    hai guyz do u think we should tattoo DFEE on fee payin students foreheads?

    You've made the mistake of constructing some sort of "DFEE is for rich people and CSP is for poor people" dichotomy; there are government loans for DFEE students, it's just if you're not good enough you have to actually pay for your degree instead of scabbing off the government. :D
  4. C

    Comment in The Age Newspaper about Education

    I know what she means, because at my uni the UAI cutoff for teaching is in the 60s and I've met people in tutes that are only at uni to drink/party, and can barely write a sentence and seem resentful about having to do assignments but i don't think it follows that they can't be good teachers...
  5. C

    How datable is a guy who is...

    the pope recently abolished limbo :D
  6. C

    Haneef gets his Visa back.

    you'd love to do that for allah wouldn't you?
  7. C

    Haneef gets his Visa back.

    so what you're saying is you'd go and live in Afghanistan and plot terrorist attacks instead? terrorist.
  8. C

    Aussies racist - Japan's pro whalers supporters + (Youtube)

    He just didn't craft his English very well Human is cruelest animal :D
  9. C

    lolin so hard at that kid who had that insane party

    Is that the one where some kid got stabbed and died? :D
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    getting over the "i want a boyfriend stage"

    her username says she loves her boyfriend, and i believe her.
  11. C

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    Over the years, many people have challenged me with a question like: ‘I’ve been trying to witness to my friends. They say they don’t believe the Bible and aren’t interested in the stuff in it. They want real proof that there’s a God who created, and then they’ll listen to my claims about...
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    Adam and Eve or Evolution? lol :D
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    only if u wanna end up in irak
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    it's a great way to get stuck in the army for years after you finish your degree too :D
  15. C

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    it's still more physically feasible than coming back to life and then ascending into the sky :D
  16. C

    Greenpeace rocks

    Well if celebrities are the reliable and trustworthy source I believe them to be, rock concerts are an effective means of solving world issues :D
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    lolin so hard at that kid who had that insane party

    You don't think all 40+ people think that about our lot? :D
  18. C

    The Life And Crimes of Harry Lavender

    it was in the prelim english advanced course it'd be ok to use for crime fiction :D
  19. C

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    And yet you might find it easier to believe, literally that a man built a large boat and put animals on it to escape a flood, than that a man was born of a virgin and came back from the dead. :D