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  1. C

    40 thrown out of cricket match for unruly conduct

    You might've guessed this thread is about the fact that the australian media is run by rednecks and I'm just saying the sort of thing that the media says whenever 1 or 2 people get chucked out of the football, just you never hear these figures for cricket or eggball :D
  2. C

    Nice Fellas

    Especially not this LOL PARADOX
  3. C

    how to avoid falling asleep during lectures?

    just don't bother going to them
  4. C

    40 thrown out of cricket match for unruly conduct

    We need riot police, segregated fans and an investigation into hooliganism!
  5. C

    40 thrown out of cricket match for unruly conduct

    40 more thrown out of the twenty20 last night the truth must come out :@
  6. C

    Nice Fellas

  7. C

    Official Apology Thread

    Re: Rudd to say Sorry on February 12 only voting Green can do that
  8. C

    The official BOS 'Pro-Constitutional Monarchy' thread

    statistical information is collected for statistical purposes :D
  9. C

    Nice Fellas

    It's because you're ugly
  10. C

    Does God exist?

    Of course it's a tangible question of fact, you just assert that it's not because we all know your beliefs are stupid if you admit it is :D
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    The official BOS 'Pro-Constitutional Monarchy' thread

    that's a bit of a tautology isn't it? :D
  12. C

    Flat chest is the best

    yes obviously breast size you moron jesus christ diane i love you but you're as dense as a lead pipe sometimes
  13. C

    Official Apology Thread

    Re: Rudd to say Sorry on February 12 Well I'm a wog and my parents were migrants so KRudd's apology shoudln't include wogs because we had NOTHING to do with it although by that logic to say today's anglos had anything to do with it is just racism since they had no more to do with it than the...
  14. C

    Should sodomy be a crime?

    Well it is a bit hard to conceal a 13' foot beast that can't go in sunlight and wants to kill people... in any case of course it is. I just wanted to get everyone saying they supported sodomy :D
  15. C

    Flat chest is the best

    just to point it out, i think breast size is probably n on my list of things to look for in a girl, where n is the number of things on the list i mean who actually truly cares? not many people i'd reckon :D
  16. C

    Racists plan secret 'nazi-type riot'

    true isn't it? say what you like about Muslims but I'll take you guys over the white supremacists :D
  17. C

    guys who like really thin girls

    well, same thing :D
  18. C

    guys who like really thin girls

    we're talking zoe-thin, and lurk moar :D
  19. C

    your current favourite song

    That's how I got into listening to (and playing) traditional music, listening to combinations like the Pogues... in any case my favourite song at the moment (well more like 2 tunes but oh well) i don't think there's anyone here who'd be into this :D
  20. C

    An Australian Top Gear ??!!

    The Britishness is half the appeal of the show :D