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  1. _dhj_

    using pen in diagrams???

    Just use pen for everything to be safe that no-one can erase it :p
  2. _dhj_

    The "OMG I've Finished the HSC" thread

    Well I wish this HSC would continue forever. Studying is so great that I just can't get enough of it. Exams are awesome, especially since you get to write like six essay in like three hours how fun is that? fuck.. can't wait till all this shit is ova :(
  3. _dhj_

    Do it all again

    No I wouldn't do it again. You get what you deserve for the effort. I didn't put much effort in to the HSC but in the end I'll still get what I deserve for the little effort which is fair enough.
  4. _dhj_

    99 UAI with no Premier's award?

    That is correct.
  5. _dhj_

    99 UAI with no Premier's award?

    Shouldn't be too disappointed if you didn't get into all rounders - uai is the main thing. It all depends on the subjects. I think my stumbling block may be 4u :( oh well we'll have to see..
  6. _dhj_

    99 UAI with no Premier's award?

    You just need reasonably high scaling subjects such as 4u maths and sciences.
  7. _dhj_

    All Nighters???

    Only do it the night b4 if you're really really screwed for an exam and you've tried doing all-nighters during the trials or somehting. Otherwise play it safe and sleep at 10pm the night b4
  8. _dhj_

    How was the exam?

    :p n00b... (10char)
  9. _dhj_

    How do you think you scored? (Essay)

    Probably about 21+ but it's pretty crap none of my sentences made any sense :(
  10. _dhj_

    SMH Article on Paper 2

    Well that's based on the assumption that "basic skills" matter at all. I'm saying that it doesn't, since obviously you know what "we lernt that in yr 10" is supposed to read.
  11. _dhj_

    SMH Article on Paper 2

    Not really. It doesn't add any weight to the argument that "basic skills" are that important in the first place.
  12. _dhj_


    Awww.. can't it b in tha 60s?? Damn I left out so many Q the most i can get is like 70 something.. crap :(:(
  13. _dhj_

    Crime Fiction

    Hmm.. the creative really threw me off.. I managed to use the picture fairly well but the writing quality was just so much worse than usual. Essay was OK. Oh well...
  14. _dhj_

    Time Distribution in Ext 1 English

    I don't really distribute time... just finish when my essay finishes
  15. _dhj_

    Is HSC tuition fair?

    lol true eh? I think with teachers though, you've got to try and tell yourself you're lucky to have them. To be honest, teachers (including tutors) are more for motivation rather than teaching anything - in the end you end up learning from the textbook or summaries for every subject.
  16. _dhj_

    Is HSC tuition fair?

    Yep. That is true. Although selective school teachers aren't bad either. :)
  17. _dhj_

    Is HSC tuition fair?

    Well.. I agree that it's unfair, but not significantly unfair compared to other factors which are often overlooked. For example, one of the biggest advantages a student can have, IMO, is getting good teachers. So, while I'm about as left-winged as you can go in political orientation, I still...
  18. _dhj_

    Is HSC tuition fair?

    Perhaps you mean the HSC isn't a very effective way to differentiate then? Cus to me, a superior intellectual endowment is a pretty big advantage - not just in the HSC, but in life overall.
  19. _dhj_

    Is HSC tuition fair?

    I think what's more important is to consider those who are "disadvantaged" rather than those who are unfairly advantaged. There are many, many ways you can gain an unfair advantage - probably the most common one is by being born smarter than someone else. It's those who do not have access to the...
  20. _dhj_

    Is HSC tuition fair?

    No offense but come on.. you go to a private school (according to profile)...