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  1. _dhj_

    Is HSC tuition fair?

    I doubt it. Chances are, the average tutored student will be from a better off socio-economic background, while their parents place particular emphasis on education. Chances are, the tutored student will perform better than the "average" student.
  2. _dhj_

    Is HSC tuition fair?

    This is indeed a problem. But then again, plagerism has always been a problem, and the perpetrator could simply copy a top student's essay.
  3. _dhj_

    Is HSC tuition fair?

    Whether tutoring is successful will still depend on the effort/talent combination. Like a normal teacher, the concepts conveyed by the tutor must be understood, and work must be done to actually "learn" from him/her.
  4. _dhj_

    english ext raw scaling

    I bet they'll mark so much harder in the HSC though...
  5. _dhj_

    Creative - can they specify?

    can they specify the subgenre? e.g. "write a hard-boiled... "
  6. _dhj_

    crime fcition response

    You can do whatever just make some links in the slabs.
  7. _dhj_

    Extension English people

    I reckon all subjects are homo on the day before their HSC exam :(
  8. _dhj_

    Extension English people

    Do Lost in Translation. :uhhuh:
  9. _dhj_

    Extension English people

    Is it that bad?? Hmm.. I don't like Crime Fiction much, thought I'd rather be doing I&S or Postmodernism.
  10. _dhj_

    Subjects that you regret doing

    I like all my subjects.
  11. _dhj_

    what irritates you in the HSC exams?!?!

    Haha.. that's stupid, you screw up the scaling on internal assessments ;)
  12. _dhj_

    smart arses

    Nah.. there's no "ability", just a belief in it :D
  13. _dhj_

    Extension English people

    Same here.... :(
  14. _dhj_

    SMH Article on Paper 2

    I don't think it will destroy anyone's credibility - maybe to those who share your elitist outlook, but to the rest of us, you will just look like a elitist (in the pejorative sense).
  15. _dhj_

    SMH Article on Paper 2

    The decreasing importance of correct spelling and proper grammar reflects the evolution of the medium. Let's face it - when your reading a novel or a traditional print-based text, it's gonna have gone through numerous editing stages. Likewise, shorter, informal texts such as letters, internet...
  16. _dhj_

    How do you appeal a question..or section in the the paper

    prolly not. Most students aren't taught all of what's in the syllabus I think.
  17. _dhj_

    q4 biased toward 4 unit

    As if not.. 3u is like the easiest subject to get a high scaled mark in...
  18. _dhj_

    q4 biased toward 4 unit

    I did alrite but I found it pretty hard. Hopefully 75+ if stupid mistakes are kept to a minimum. And wth Adam got under 80?? are you serious?? Ah well there goes our chances of getting a 100 uai :(:(
  19. _dhj_

    q4 biased toward 4 unit

    Isn't that how you're supposed to do it?