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  1. _dhj_

    q4 biased toward 4 unit

    Yeah when I saw the question I was like.. "huh.. i didn't know this was in the 3u syllabus". But of course any question is gonna be biased towards 4u, as we do far more study and tend to be the people who are better at maths
  2. _dhj_

    How was the exam?

    nooo!!! you screwed up our scaling above the 3u... nah.. j/k I thought it was pretty hard aswell compared to previous years, I dun understand why everyone's coming out to say how this is one of the most straightforward exams for 3u..
  3. _dhj_

    Q3(a) WTF!!!!

    Since it asks for 1 dec place, you're supposed to give a solution correct to one decimal place. The root was between 0.7 and 0.75 (not inclusive, as neither values give you f(x)=0) after the 2nd approximation, which means it must be 0.7 "to one decimal place" as anything less than 0.75, e.g...
  4. _dhj_

    things you do before the exam

    I always have bacon and egg muffins + coffee in the morning (not maccas ones) ..mmm... bacon and egg muffins...
  5. _dhj_

    55 Minutes Late

    Nup, 100 is quite plausible a figure for ppl who are good at programming or something. If you had special provisions, undoubtedly you would practise typing speed, so people who get to use laptops tend to type quicker than the average person. Also, in exam situation, it's quite plausible that the...
  6. _dhj_

    The Aus article in reply to SMH article on paper two

    People read too much Miranda Devine nowadays.. it fucks up their head.
  7. _dhj_

    The Aus article in reply to SMH article on paper two

    err no offense but that is just a hyperbolic load of bullcrap. It's like saying the world is controlled by the "international jewry", just all right wing propaganda.
  8. _dhj_

    For the 2unit people

    i didn't know 2unit did the 3u paper?
  9. _dhj_

    How was the exam?

    Had about an hr to do Q6 and 7, but as always I screwed up the quadratic calculations for projectile :(
  10. _dhj_

    How was the exam?

    I thought it was comparatively a pretty tough paper - in line with the trend set by 2u and 4u. I didn't get everything, lost 5 marks already not counting stupid mistakes :(
  11. _dhj_

    55 Minutes Late

    Speed-wise typing definately puts you at an advantage - (most people are touch typists anyway) However, I do believe the typed response will be marked a little more harshly compared to the written response, taking into consideration that you can correct mistakes, and that you can type a lot more...
  12. _dhj_

    SMH Article

    Yeah they just wanted to make the 4u exam sound easy..
  13. _dhj_

    The Aus article in reply to SMH article on paper two

    urrmm.. the visual texts tend to be where the better students can show off their ability. To analyse the foreground, background, perspective, visual dynamism, vectors, stylisation etc. (particularly in unseen) require more than just the ability to "spot the metaphor" (really a yr 7 skill)
  14. _dhj_

    Should paper 2 be 3 hours?

    There's just so much content that you want to put down onto paper so I doubt 1 hr per essay will end up with shit essays (at band 5/6 level). Nevertheless, I do agree that 2 hr exams force you to write in a succinct manner, using selective textual evidence, so the time factor is used to...
  15. _dhj_

    1972 English Papers

    Nup.. you're not the only one. Be afraid though.. it seems like these aesthetic reactionaries are growing in numbers.. ughh!!
  16. _dhj_

    How was the exam?

    xactly waht i was thinkin...
  17. _dhj_

    what topic scares you?

    Hmmm.. circle geo is pretty easy imo.. But i reckon rates of change and hard projectile Qs freak me out. Oh and harder 2u stuff...
  18. _dhj_

    SMH Article on Paper 2

    True, although I think you'd have to be a pretty strict formalist to believe that as soon as a couple of spelling/grammar mistakes are made, the intended message is lost. There are other factors that determine the meaning - most notably the context and the responder (sorry for using syllabus...
  19. _dhj_

    Addicted to V?

    V works for me. I've been drinking it before every non-maths exam since the start of the year. I've done pretty well in assessments so far, rkn it speeds up my writing.
  20. _dhj_

    SMH Article on Paper 2

    Well.. grammar and spelling mistakes aren't a problem as long as the message that is being conveyed isn't lost. Remember, we don't live for discourse. Discourse lives for us.