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  1. wrxsti

    validate the law of universal gravitation

    Newton was a good boy
  2. wrxsti

    General Solution

    Hey, i was doing this question and i was wondering... is it possible to get 2 General Solutions to one 2(cosx)^2 - 1 =0 i got 2 general solutions.. 2n(pie) +- pie/4 2n(pie) +- 2.356 (approx) i keep both...
  3. wrxsti

    A Few Questions :)

  4. wrxsti

    Chemistry Trial Marks?

    Chemistry is fun :) i duno.. i find it very easy to study for chemistry... its very interesting. and all the questions are pretty much straight from syllabus dot points. so really you know what to expect
  5. wrxsti

    Useless to drop now?

    Nah Dont drop, you went through year 11 and year 12 to drop it now? Nah dont do it, seriously put in the hard work and i reckon its very possible to get 75 80+. Buy some books such as "Sucess one Physics" and "dotpoint physics" they really helped me :)
  6. wrxsti

    Help Me Engineers!!!

    hi guys, i got this paddle-pop bridge to build for uni and at the end of semester its going to be put under a load and see how it goes. I need to build a bridge with max of 250 paddle-pop sticks. and the point of load, is exactly on the top(middle). Supports on the sides dont need to be...
  7. wrxsti

    Princess 'The Moron Diana....why?

    Greer stopped becomming relevant in the 1800's why do they even broadcast and show anything that bitch says. 99.9999999999% of Australians give a damn what she says.
  8. wrxsti

    Two Million Australians live Below the Poverty Line defines Stupidity as : lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind i define stupidity as You.... This forum is filled with very stupid, narrow minded and pathetic individuals..... quite amazing.... and ill anticipate one response by...
  9. wrxsti

    Marks scaled for 3unit.

    Thanks an e4 is 45/50 right?
  10. wrxsti

    Marks scaled for 3unit.

    i was just wondering... since i heard 3unit scales really well.... i expect (hopefully) 76/84 out of 50 what would i get?? i heard that if you get something like 60/84 its a 45/50 or something.... :S
  11. wrxsti

    Trials Results

    i Got business studies back today :) 96 :) so all my marks back. Business Studies: 96 Maths : 100 Chemistry: 97 Physics: 94 2unit English: 89 (got it up by 4marks :)) 3unit English: 75 (lol) 3unit Maths : 88 (should...
  12. wrxsti

    Previous past paper solutions?

    um where you get those 3 from? i got a sucess one book... but its pretty old... i only dont have those 3 past paper answers... could you put up a link to answers for them?
  13. wrxsti

    A Few Questions :)

    thanks again Xia could you just help me with this last question 1) How could you make sure Anhydrous Na2CO3 reamins Anhydrous?
  14. wrxsti

    URGENT - Question on pH calculation

    lol...... try this question... if you can do this you can do any PH question... Question: Find PH of 5x10^-5 Molarity Magnesium Hydroxide Solution Its a pretty good question
  15. wrxsti

    A Few Questions :)

    1) Write an Equation showing carbon dioxide in water ( i did this) Explain in terms of Le Chattliers principle why high pressure Carbon dioxide is used to increase the ammount which dissolves..... ( i know all reactions for CO2 with water... but i cant seem to find one which...
  16. wrxsti

    CSSA trial extension 1

    me too... i stuffed up in extension.......... 85% 71/84 :( :( :( :(
  17. wrxsti

    Buffer Solution ...

    A buffer Solution consists of a weak acid and its conjugate base right? my teacher gave us this handout which says..... a buffer solution consists of a weak acid and a SALT of that acid...... im pretty sure my teachers notes are wrong though... but just want to make sure which it is?
  18. wrxsti

    CSSA trials physics

    actually i dont go James Ruse..... i go to a pretty low ranked school actually...... our highest UAI to date has been 93..... so dat pretty much sums up our school performance.... except all teachers now are telling me they have faith that i can get the first 99 :S:S:S lol PRESSURE !
  19. wrxsti

    Experiment i wanted to try HELP NEEDED

    well ..... im a disturbed individual? lol our chemistry teacher never let us place sodium in water....... stupid teacher :( will experiment work though?