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  1. wrxsti

    Identifying Phosphate Ions?

    Ive got react with Ammonium Molybdate.... i dont even know how to write the formula for this.... are their any other reactions that you can do to identify Phosphate ions? Thanks in advance for any help :)
  2. wrxsti

    CSSA trials physics

    Your mum marks your assesments? change ur answers when she takes em home?......... omg..... my escape velocity was very low.... units were in m/s i got somefing lik 0.0089m/s i repeated it lik a million times and got same answer....... im guessing cause the Gravitational Potential Energy was...
  3. wrxsti

    Calculating the Voltage required for Cell

    thanks . but will it always be a negative number..... ? like if you have Silver (0.80V) and Fe3+ (0.77V) then E cathode - Eanode = 0.03 V which is positive
  4. wrxsti

    Let's call God 'Allah', says Catholic bishop

    LOLLLLL "Allah" just means "god" but in Arabic............... Same meaning....... What would be the difference? Allah sounds better?
  5. wrxsti

    2007 CSSA tria

    lol.... i joined physics class 2 and a half months ago..... hoping i can get low 90's .... wud be happy wit high 80's :)
  6. wrxsti

    Electric Field Force and Charge to Mas Ratio

    could someone please tell me the formula for electric field FORCE....... it not on the formula sheet .... and can someone show me how to calculate the chareg to mass ratio of an electron Thanks... Physics trial is 2moz so if i can get a speedy reply :)
  7. wrxsti

    The Parabola

    coords of focus is (0 , 1/20) directrix y = -1/20 Simple question..... TOO SIMPLE.... im missing something arent I?
  8. wrxsti

    CSSA trial extension 1

    i spent 20 mins on that...... LITERALLY 20 FUKN MINS..... usually i finish CSSA 3u tests in under an hour 10 mins ...... for this one .... i finished wit 20 mins to spare and i spent dose last mins on dat question.... WAT KINDA QUESTION IS THAT TO PUT FOR QUESTION 1? hopefully ill...
  9. wrxsti

    Are you going to keep studying after trails?

    This is what we call self-deception :)
  10. wrxsti

    some nuclear chem help :/

  11. wrxsti

    CSSA 2007 Chemistry Trial Examination thoughts

    lol sorry .... i am 99% sure its C)
  12. wrxsti

    CSSA trial extension 1

    Ok..... That was a very good 3unit test.... not TOO HARD and not TOO easy... the mathematical induction question was repeated......... froma few years ago..... it reminded me of the 2004 CSSA papers for some reason :S
  13. wrxsti

    CSSA trials physics

    Tru that
  14. wrxsti

    CSSA Maths Trial!!

    OMG you ppl are weird lol....for that marathon one.... distance = speed x time you do that differentiae maximise you get the question lol
  15. wrxsti

    CSSA trial extension 1

    lol an hour and a half till mine.... im gone....
  16. wrxsti

    CSSA Maths Trial!!

    If you wana lower your confidence.... talk on this website after your exams..... i hate discussing Answers... yet im always here :( lowers my confidence for all other exams.....
  17. wrxsti

    CSSA trials physics

    CSSA trials is this thursday..... But...... in case you actually did do it 2dai.... FILL US IN.... WHAT WAS IN THE FIRST PARTS?
  18. wrxsti

    CSSA Maths Trial!!

    VERY EASY TEST.... questions 8,9,10 were straightforward questions.... Honestly.. hardest question was 6........ it wasnt an AP or GP.... so you had to literally sub in 25 numbers.... Wtf? and did anybody remember that 1m^2 = 10 000 cm^2 ?
  19. wrxsti

    Catholic School Trials

    Physics trials are this thursday...
  20. wrxsti

    Baulkham Hills High Trial 2005 Projectile Motion Question

    dont you just love 3unit math :)