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  1. wrxsti

    CSSA 2007 Chemistry Trial Examination thoughts

  2. wrxsti

    CSSA 2007 Chemistry Trial Examination thoughts

    i got 0.0127 in the est........ times by 100 you get 1.27% which is approx 1.3% your teacher will give you 1 mark....... though you should get 1.5 ..... stupid HSC markers dont give half marks...... :(
  3. wrxsti

    CSSA 2007 Chemistry Trial Examination thoughts

    ok the thing was Ca2P207 ok? the whole fertiliser thing was 4.2g the mass of Ca2P2O7 was somefing like 1.2g now Molecular mass of Ca2P2O7 is roughly (40+40+31+31+16(times 7) ) which u get like 254 now moles = mass / MM so 1.2 / 254 Moles = 0.00472 now moles of P2 Moles =...
  4. wrxsti

    Catholic School Trials

    it was a Weird Chem Test.... ... nah it was set pretty good i thought... required you to think about the questions a bit more than you usually do :S it was nothing like past paper i ever did..... so gay only 2 REAL calculation questions..... :(
  5. wrxsti

    CSSA 2007 Chemistry Trial Examination thoughts

    Nah its not. you need to calculate the phosphorus content... of the 0.2 grams or wuteva you find the number of moles...... blah blah blah.... in the end u get an answer that answer / 4.1 and i remember answer is approx 1.3% Also i dont think for 14) its gana be "a"...
  6. wrxsti

    CSSA 2007 Chemistry Trial Examination thoughts

    okay from a guy who loves chemistry ..... it was challenging.... but really good.... very nice test hard than all CSSA papers before question 14 MADE NO SENSE WHATSOEVA and was just shocking...... i rote D because an oxygen free radial and an oxygen ATOM are exactly the same.... finished...
  7. wrxsti

    Catholic School Trials

    chemistry was a nice test... i should ace it :) question 14 from multiple choice made no sense though
  8. wrxsti

    what is your major ?

    structural engineering
  9. wrxsti

    What's the best thing about your school?

    lol... you go malek fahd right?? lollll i go Noor al Houda... we changed our name....... we're now "Australian International Academy" Do you know someone called Daniel?
  10. wrxsti

    Catholic School Trials

    how u get the papers from 1992 - 2006 ?????????????????????? can yaz post some up :S
  11. wrxsti

    dot point on a natural resource that is not a fossil fuel

    that dot point isnt under this module right?? isnt it under "Industrial Chemistry"
  12. wrxsti

    HELPP Fermentation and Esterification

    hey. um for fermentation do we place the limewater and the glucose yeast in CONICAL FLASKS? i know the experiment but i only have "place into flasks" also for Esterification why do we add "50ml of water shake then drain lower aquoes layer" then "add 15ml of NaHCO3 with 35ml of...
  13. wrxsti

    Catholic School Trials

    mmhmm chemistry :) i have both as well and im full stressing.... i calm myself down by thinking about this girl in my class who has to do 3 exams on that friday... how slack... lol Visual Arts, Extension english and Chemistry
  14. wrxsti

    CSSA Modules paper

    I hate english. i hate extension english... which is very ironic considered im ranked first in the school in both..... lol ive never done a past paper for either subject :S..... i just cant bring to do a past paper for ENGLISH..... anywayz i hope we both do good on friday :)
  15. wrxsti

    CSSA Modules paper

    Questions were very straightforawrd for my electives Transformations (Emma/Clueless) Powerplay ( Antony and Cleo) Speeches :)
  16. wrxsti

    Catholic School Trials

    English modules papers was so easy :) Emma/ Clueless Powerplay Speeches Omg questions were very simple and straightforawrd :):):):)
  17. wrxsti

    Did you teacher tell you what will come out on trials?

    Corruption... knew it occured somewhere.......
  18. wrxsti

    Free Help

    sorry i dont got Msn.... call if you needs help gana be awake all nite :S
  19. wrxsti

    Geostationary Satelitte

    thanks but isnt the force of gravity... g = GM/r^2 not g= GMm/r^2 (First line)