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  1. wrxsti

    Geostationary Satelitte

    Given that the mass of the earth is 6 x 10^24 and raduis of the earth is 6370000m determine the height above the earths surface for a geostationary satelitte i know period is 24 hours for a geostationary orbit and i know we need to use keplers law somewhere but i dont how to apply it
  2. wrxsti

    Dropping 4U

    i reckon.... drop it..... even though u already made your decision... rethink it. think about it...... 4unit... your going up against the best of the best of the best.............................. so unless u do exceptionally well.... you wont get scaled very high.... and by doing 4 unit...
  3. wrxsti

    how did you go on your trials?

    We do them on monday :)
  4. wrxsti

    CSSA paper

    try studying dickhead so you actually know what to write before you get to the exam........... i can rite like hell... i dont give a f u k if you dont believe me... i dont care...
  5. wrxsti

    CSSA paper

    mmhmm GENIUS..... why didnt i think about that?
  6. wrxsti

    Catholic School Trials

    the last part worked out quite well for me.... for the last part.. i learnt a pre-prepared essay and every few paragraphs i wrote a few sentences relating back to the question to the teacher would think i was talking about the question for question 1a) it said "identify" right? so that means...
  7. wrxsti

    CSSA paper

    writing 40 pages is actually pretty easy if you continually right.... i did not look up ONCE during the 120 mins...... and my arm is so dead right now........ i memorised my essays and most of the short story so i pretty much rote from start to finish.... also.... the teacher stuffed up the...
  8. wrxsti

    Catholic School Trials

    oh kewlll so i got it right.... everyone in my class said the answer was "physical journey" weird people :) kewl i got it right
  9. wrxsti

    Free Help

    Hey my name is Hillal if you need help for english im gana be up all night tonight and tomorrow getting ready for English Advnced my number is 0433 540 272 if anybody needs help. good luck
  10. wrxsti

    Catholic School Trials

    i went really good... except i got question 1a) wrong..... i wrote car....... gr.... wat did you write?
  11. wrxsti

    CSSA paper

    Oh, so question 1 a) wasnt a simple answer like "Physical Journey" or Imaginary Journey ... so car might be right? (I elaborated on the car point) Also.... last question of question 1) was you Only choose 1 of them i choose the second text..... Overall how...
  12. wrxsti

    CSSA paper

    lollllllllll dat was pretty random........ did you write car as well :P
  13. wrxsti

    CSSA paper

    Well i Think i answered question 1a) wrong...... But i killed it i think... section 1) 9 pages section 2 ) 13 pages Section 3) 18 pages But i answered question 1a) wrong omgg i answered "Car" OMGG IM BURNING I DIDNT READ THE QUESTION PROPERLY
  14. wrxsti

    Catholic School Trials

    A Note from the Moderators: We would love to hear how you went in your trials after you have completed them, but please keep in mind not to give out the actual questions or a copy of the paper as there are copyright issues, not the mention the fact that some students may do the same paper as...
  15. wrxsti

    2 Questions :)

  16. wrxsti

    twins paradox makes no sense .. to me T_T

    Physics makes no sense :( and this theory is no different....... omg it seriously makes no sense.. its like when a spacecraft is accelrating and decellerating gana make a difference of 20 years...... Physics doesnt work.. they say light is constant right... yet in Einsteins...
  17. wrxsti

    2 Questions :)

    1) 2Na + 2h20 --> 2NaoH + H2 pure sodium metal dropped into 1.2L of water... Gas collected occuped a volume of 4.68L at 25degrees caculate the final PH of the water NOTE: this is a 2002 paper so u have to use 1mole at 25degrees is 24.47L 2) In a...
  18. wrxsti

    Need quick re-cap on basics.

    1) "b" is the co-ordinate covalent bond, as both electrons are provided by the 1 atom for sharing 2) Quantative test : (what ive got for this) precipitation with a known volume of Na2CO3 then drying and weighing precipitate...... You could write AAS i guess?
  19. wrxsti

    Extra semester

    lol my mentor (yes MENTOR!) at uws, is studying a B Engineering which is a 4 year degree, is currently finishing his 6th year....and no his not doing part-time...his be doing 6 years-full time... and his my uni appointed mentor?????
  20. wrxsti

    Some Help with these Questions Please

    i kno what you did wrong :) for your nanometers u did ^-7 when its supposed to be ^-9 is that the mistake ?