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  1. Shadowdude

    Any girls doing engineering - UWS?

    oh hi guys, i'm in arts, i didn't see you there - was too busy wading through all the pretty girls in arts
  2. Shadowdude

    The Cricket Thread

    Re: The Official Cricket Thread Nothing, usually the people that talk about her - who are male - go all fanboy and go "OMG OMG OMG". In my experience. That's what I figured about it. Anyway, caught the replay of the whatever the match was last night... got to watch the first ever super...
  3. Shadowdude

    Last movie you watched? And what you thought of it?

    Scream. was expecting something scarier
  4. Shadowdude

    The Cricket Thread

    Re: The Official Cricket Thread I'm going to go out on a limb here and posit that you're female, because how else can you describe Mel as "that chic"?!?! Also one thing has been bugging me about the Big Bash - I watch it sometimes because it's on, and cricket is cricket and... I don't mind...
  5. Shadowdude

    First job at 18 y.o?

    It's not work experience they want, it's relevant work experience, mostly. If you're looking for a job just for money, then it doesn't matter. If you want a job with a view to helping your career, you should get in on internships and summer vacation scholarships and things like that.
  6. Shadowdude

    Financial Economics Jobs?

    Which university is this?
  7. Shadowdude

    The Cricket Thread

    Re: The Official Cricket Thread oh you mean Mel McLaughlin? yeah she used to host the A-League stuff on Fox
  8. Shadowdude

    Part-time work during uni

    Yes, you want to know your hours you're available beforehand - you don't really want to chop and change early into the job because you just made a new timetable.
  9. Shadowdude

    How long are the holidays/breaks in UNSW BCom?

    Yeah. I finished November 23 and I go back on like March 3. Yes, because MQ breaks are weird (i.e. two weeks mid-semester break) and other stuff I'm sure too. Here are the 2013 dates of breaks: End of Year Break: to March 3 (includes O-Week) Mid-Semester Break for Semester 1: March 30 to...
  10. Shadowdude

    First job at 18 y.o?

    I got into football (soccer) refereeing just in the past year. That was fun, I got paid to exercise pretty much, and... yeah. So if there's a sport you're into, umpiring or refereeing as a job could work.
  11. Shadowdude

    Commerce/Information Systems: Does it involve much computing?

    Information systems are about the programs companies use, so yes it is the application of technology to businesses. Designing software is more on the software engineering side or so...
  12. Shadowdude

    Part-time work during uni

    Casual job? Not full time? It could work. I had a casual job, I worked weekends during uni, and that was fine. I have other friends who work as baristas and stuff and they take one or two days off, but they're Arts students anyway so they have those days off already... but their social life...
  13. Shadowdude

    Working full time & Studying part-time, your thoughts.

    No problem. If you have to work to come to uni, then... well, that's non-negotiable then. You sound a lot like one of my friends actually... she's extremely busy, and the last time we properly got to catch up was October, and since then it's been two random sightings. I'll say this though...
  14. Shadowdude

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. so how about those ffa sanctions huh (srsly, i thought we'd have more fans of our own national league here...)
  15. Shadowdude

    2015 HSC'ers: Study timetable structure

    Personally, I'm an advocate of goal-setting structure. Allocate time for work, yes - but it should work towards goals like "Write a practice essay" or "Complete two past papers" or "Finish all homework", instead of "I will do 2 hours of Modern History, and then 2 hours of Business Studies...
  16. Shadowdude

    Working full time & Studying part-time, your thoughts.

    I'm going to say straight out, from my (selfish) perspective: it's a bad idea... for your (uni) social life. I have a few friends who have gotten internships and now work full time, with a part-time uni load. I never see them, pretty much. We have to go out of our way to catch up. I went to...
  17. Shadowdude

    Commerce/Law at USyd or UNSW?

    Commerce is generally regarded as better at UNSW, but for Law... arguably Sydney would be more prestigious. Toss up. As ifrit said, do some research on the important stuff. Imagine a week at uni - and research everything you're not sure about, like how you'll get there, or where to get food, or...
  18. Shadowdude

    Do students fail to learn or do teachers fail to teach?

    99% of the time, if you don't do well in a course, it's attributable to you. Everyone has to deal with the same lecturer, the variable is yourself. There are tons of resources available, and lecturers are generally very approachable and willing to discuss their subject area with interested...
  19. Shadowdude

    2nd year finance maths

    Well, there's only three "Level 2" Finance courses. FINS2624 (Portfolio Management) FINS2643 (Wealth Management) FINS2622 (Emerging Capital Markets) Now I did the first one and that was quite mathsy (for finance) and that's based more on pricing bonds and stuff, I have friends who did the...
  20. Shadowdude

    Playing the piano

    ah i have one of those (not the same kind), i call them 'electronic keyboards' although i worry my terminology may be slightly wrong... nice, what sorts of songs? I'm guessing more contemporary stuff?