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  1. Shadowdude

    Most effective way to take notes during a lecture - Tips? ARTS STUDENTS

    So I'm guessing you want these questions answered in relation to what you'd expect from an average Bachelor of Arts course. For structure: The lecture is structured, so you should structure your notes the way the lecturer structures the lecture. I'm a wall of text person, so my notes are...
  2. Shadowdude

    Playing the piano

    proper piano or electronic keyboard?
  3. Shadowdude

    Integration of algebraic

    \sqrt{x} \sqrt{ --- } is what you want
  4. Shadowdude

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official Football Thread gotta love the bandwagoners
  5. Shadowdude

    HELP: Is Commerce, Business, etc BORING?

    So I used to study Commerce, working towards a finance major... and yeah. Some people like it, some people don't. However, I did come crawling back in some sense as I'm taking an Economics minor in my Arts degree and I'm finding that much more enjoyable.
  6. Shadowdude

    internally transferring from unsw media pr and advertising to commerce/media (pr,etc)

    Re: internally transferring from unsw media pr and advertising to commerce/media (pr, Internal Program Transfer: From there, see that if you want to get into Comm/Media you need a 75 WAM and have done 36...
  7. Shadowdude

    Accomodation: New College Village or Colombo House?

    Yeah, it's the one built on High St. Unfortunately it's all artist's impressions right now so... to the OP, it could be good if you want to have an adventure into the unknown new realms.
  8. Shadowdude

    WAM boosters

    Plus, if you're at all interested or excel in mathematics, you should take the Higher course anyway. Challenge yourself.
  9. Shadowdude

    Advanced Mathematics.

    now i discovered why i have to be back counter all this pro-sydney nonsense that's going on :p Anyway, the job prospects of the degree are what you make of it. Don't go into a degree thinking about a job, because I did that with Commerce and look at my degree now - do you see a mention of...
  10. Shadowdude

    2nd year finance maths

    As quoted by a great student and friend of mine, "The 'maths' in Finance is a joke." He did third year finance and it's basically still plugging numbers into equations or basic year 7 algebraic rearranging of equations to solve for certain variables. I did second year finance and can...
  11. Shadowdude

    First Year Subjects?

    Administratively, yes - but it's best to have a general idea now so you can plan ahead of time and streamline the process. That way, you can do your core courses in first year while also doing some of your chosen major's other requirements - if at all needed.
  12. Shadowdude

    First Year Subjects?

    Your one stop shop for any question along the lines of "What subjects should I be doing?" is the Handbook. Your entry for Economics is here: UNSW Handbook Program - Economics - 3543 What major are you taking under the Economics degree?
  13. Shadowdude

    Can I lose marks for using 4u theory in a 3u paper?

    It's fine, but if there's a "hence" in the question, there should be an easier less complicated way.
  14. Shadowdude

    Subject selection!

    So you have 12 units, which is fine. And then you'll do 13 for the HSC. That's fine as well. I don't really see any problems with that at all - if you keep to what you said, you and I would've done similar enough subjects in the HSC (though I did Legal in place of Eco, and I also did EX2). I...
  15. Shadowdude

    Which society...

    we have a cheerleading society? i knew we had a team - i didn't know there was a society dedicated to it. /this is what happens if you have zero free time to roam around and look at the stalls
  16. Shadowdude

    Which society...

    LOL i just realised we use a lot of food imagery here wow
  17. Shadowdude

    Which society...

    not sure if srs (to outsiders: no crepe)
  18. Shadowdude

    Which society...

    you what Technically you're supposed to sign a sign-up sheet but that works too...
  19. Shadowdude

    Which society...

    The guy at the stall for the Game Development Society on Friday was wearing a Fluttershy T-Shirt: I don't know much about BakeSoc except their lamingtons, cupcakes, corn flake thingies, other baked treats are really, really good. Oh, and the President is a good guy.
  20. Shadowdude

    thoughts/feelings for tomorrow??

    Looked at my revision questions for Algebra. this may be a long semester