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  1. bored of sc

    English... Disaster?

    Don't think your marks are disaster though. That way you stay pessimistic and discontent with yourself - most of us (and probably you) want to be :) and overcome the adversities that we face from day to day. Don't be too harsh on yourself. Furthermore, year 11 marks don't go towards anything to...
  2. bored of sc

    bad marks

    Being good at assignments and not too flash at exams is quite normal. It seems as though you may be struggling with the time constraints and pressures of examinations. So I suggest you ask your teacher for practise exams (or more practise exams), completely these in the time conditions and...
  3. bored of sc

    Business help: what industry is this business in?

    What are the different types of industries? Maybe, if you list all of these you could deduce which industry it fits in - maybe it is a combination of 2 or more industries.
  4. bored of sc

    Help with the essay introduction

    Kindness? It's called TRUTH.
  5. bored of sc

    3unit maths marks, bands and scaling

    sorry, I mean after the aligning process has taken place... i.e. an aligned mark between 80 and 89
  6. bored of sc

    quirky ways of remembering maths formulas?

    Sorry to get off topic but how are you finding PDHPE? I am not liking it much at all. I absolutely hated the humanity part (i.e. Better Health for Individuals) but The Body in Motion is okay (I'm into science a little more). You? Notes around the room does work... not that I do it much but...
  7. bored of sc

    3unit maths marks, bands and scaling

    If this helps, my sibling got a HSC mark of 40/50 (just band E3 = band 5 [80%]) for Extension 1 Maths and gained a UAI of approximately 88 (if that helps). But mind you - they also did religion and got 44/50, maths and got 86/100, physics was in the 50's, standard english in the 70's, PDHPE low...
  8. bored of sc

    Chemistry; Tips on writing up practicals?

    Last year's science SC test? I did the same thing :p !
  9. bored of sc

    Help with the essay introduction

    Trust me! It's very good.
  10. bored of sc

    2008 Preliminary Roll Call

    Is that in order of enjoyment? :lol:
  11. bored of sc

    Help with the essay introduction

    wow, if that's a generic introduction - I've failed HSC Advanced English that's sweet!
  12. bored of sc

    Chemistry; Tips on writing up practicals?

    As above. But when revising them try using the following: 1. Title (aim/heading) 2. Key points of Method and Labelled diagram 3. Justification of prodecure (i.e. why the experiment is decent (could refer to accuracy, reliability and validity). 4. Risks associated with the experiment...
  13. bored of sc

    Othello Help!!!

    Nice work! Very clear expression and use of extensive vocabulary. :)
  14. bored of sc

    Othello Help!!! I'm guessing you are the same person right (the name suggests this)? The above post hasn't got infromation that is very helpful, has it?
  15. bored of sc

    PDHPE Terms

    thanks anyway - and I agree - Jacaranda is great! It's just some of the statistics are kinda out of date.
  16. bored of sc

    09'ers Half yearly rankings

    Religion - 1st/70ish English - 10thish/50ish Maths - 1st/30ish Extension Maths - 5th/13 Chemistry - 3rd/18 PDHPE - 1st/18 Music - 1st/10 Extension Maths, English and Chemistry need a bit of work - but other than that - very happy! To everyone who has posted their rankings - nice...
  17. bored of sc

    Help with the essay introduction

    Cheers. I seem to go better in made up things than actual essay questions :(! (that wasn't an essay question!)
  18. bored of sc

    Help with the essay introduction

    A quote or saying tends works well - For example: Lord Acton once said "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." George Orwell's political novel 1984 exemplifies this ideology of power. For Winston Smith, being stuck in the world of totalitarianism; life is...
  19. bored of sc

    PDHPE Terms

    Bumping: anymore help guys?
  20. bored of sc

    yr 11 eng assessment help - song lyric

    What does it exactly mean by a change in perspective? Does it mean the lyrics change perspective during the song (e.g. love to hate)?