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  1. bored of sc

    Study Methods

    It is essential to have good study methods to learn the content of the subjects (and there is alot of it to get through). What are some your study techniques? Explain. Cheers.
  2. bored of sc


    Sorry, can't help you there - just write on the test too ambiguous but go with the whole sacrd texts thing (see Holly and my posts on that).
  3. bored of sc

    Divison of polynomials - remainder therom

    nah, I'm the same as you - it lines up cool and I don't why but it just makes sense when I subtract 0 (even though nothing changes I like reaffirming the fact you are subtracting 0 because its 0xn (I am crazy, lol) but, thanks - I think it's 'clicked' now
  4. bored of sc


    1/3 must be the correct answer - the answers are incorrect... unless all four balls are involved in the second selection - which in that case the answer would be 1/2... hmm?
  5. bored of sc


    yeah, true - therefore an answer would be something like: the TORAH is most important, followed by the TALMUD in the sacred texts used to determine the hierarchy of Jewish ethics - maybe
  6. bored of sc

    Thoughts on Extension 2 Maths

    Yeah, I know :) - I wish it was maths = 2 unit, ext 1 = 1 unity and ext 2 = 1 unit; oh how good that would be
  7. bored of sc


    Maybe there isn't a priority of hierarchy in jewish ethics. Or maybe (and more probably) I misunderstood the question. I think it means are there commandments (ethic guidelines) that assume a higher importance since they are considered more important in following e.g. the first of the ten...
  8. bored of sc


    The hierarchy of Judaism is basically the status of the different personalities. "There are different statuses of being of Jews, yet Jews are all one and connected. There are Rabbis who are higher and more learned then most other jews, and they are here to guide believers in the right...
  9. bored of sc

    English - Critical Study - in need of quotes by critics
  10. bored of sc

    quirky ways of remembering maths formulas?

    that reminds me All (sine, cos, tan [all of them]) Stations (sin) To (tan) Central (cos) for the positive sin, cos and tan quadrant things
  11. bored of sc

    Thoughts on Extension 2 Maths

    Thanks. Well, I am going well in 2-Unit and quite well in 3-unit (despite my average test mark) and I love maths and understand most of the work so far (polynomials is confusing me a bit). I would do 4-unit maths for sure if it went like this: Mathematics = 2 unit Extension 1 = 1 unit...
  12. bored of sc

    quirky ways of remembering maths formulas?

    think for sine (pronouned -sine-) they have the same sign.... (sine and sign are homophones (sound the same but are spelt differently)) or think that the fact sine has the same sign makes them homosexual - think the catholic view of homosexuality is that it is sinful - so the same signs...
  13. bored of sc


    This isn't explicit in the syllabus is it? :( If it was I would help you better (actually you probably wouldn't need help anyways). Question: in dumbies terms, what does it mean by a priority of hierarchy in Jewish ethics? As for the other question: The ethical teaching of social...
  14. bored of sc

    Divison of polynomials - remainder therom

    cool, cool, cool - this is helping alot - cheers just a query, since 0x is written as the thrid term does that mean the polynomial can be written as simply as 2x3 - 9x2 + 15 (i.e. take out the 0x since it = 0 anyway) P.S I do understand the fact that for purposes of division the 0x needs to...
  15. bored of sc

    Should i drop bio?

    well put, that states in black and white: seriously and to be brutally honest and frank with you; the final decision should be yours 100% - sure people might give you pointers about God knows what (scaling, difficulty, amount of work, complexity of concepts and whether it all prepares you for...
  16. bored of sc


    you are extremely weird (in a good way!), but what you have said, although it is almost pompous yet strangly eloquent - is very true!!
  17. bored of sc

    what's more important--rank or marks?

    You need the get decent marks to get decent ranks (well at least I think so) or at least get the best mark out of your class to be ranked number 1. They are just as important as each other. It is a mutually beneficial relationhship. Top mark = top rank. I know this sounds stupid and straight...
  18. bored of sc

    Divison of polynomials - remainder therom

    thank you so much, that's so kind of you learning all that for my benefit - wow, well done too: for teaching yourself so easily there's a typing error on the attachment, but don't worry it only left the 2 off the x3 so nothing significant
  19. bored of sc

    Divison of polynomials - remainder therom

    sorry, I just meant the divison of polynomials, not the remainder therom...
  20. bored of sc

    Divison of polynomials - remainder therom

    Divison of polynomials - LONG DIVISION Could someone please give me an explanation of this... thanks... I suck at long divsion... *gets sad*