Search results

  1. Shadowdude

    Help me decide?

    Well, what job are you looking for, Michelle? Another cadetship (and if so, in what field?) or, making sandwiches like squishxmishyx here :p Since you're first year - I believe - see how you go in this semester, your first - and see. If your marks are relatively bad, maybe you'd be more...
  2. Shadowdude


    hey i like rachel
  3. Shadowdude

    The Mathematics CORNY Pick Up Lines THREAD

    Re: [The Mathematics CORNY Pick Up Lines THREAD] All these are so elementary, geez Get some uni related maths stuff - not things anyone can just look up in an HSC maths textbook. Like... next time you're in the neighbourhood, you should come try my epsilon balls <-- works 100% of the...
  4. Shadowdude

    Media/journalism... hmm. I have a feeling it's not a short story - so it's a... critical...

    Media/journalism... hmm. I have a feeling it's not a short story - so it's a... critical analysis, I think?
  5. Shadowdude

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread Sick of accounting, Michelle?
  6. Shadowdude

    UNSW Exams in a Marquee??

    I was in Marquee B for Finance today. The Marquee was okay enough but that walk from the Meeting Tree to the Marquees... geez. I didn't know the tunnel was that long.
  7. Shadowdude

    Online full version of EXCEL HSC extension 2 maths step by step guide book?

    Amazing how many people overlook this very simple option.
  8. Shadowdude

    Hi,Guys. Chemical engineering @ USYD or UNSW??

    Go to uni open days and ask around. Or go to their faculty websites for each uni and look at the course structure and anything else you may be interested in. Personally, I'd wager Engineering at UNSW is better just because Engineering at UNSW, I think, is more highly regarded apparently...
  9. Shadowdude

    Official BOS Study Meat v2.0 (Winter Edition)

    Well, I see your aim is... what I'm doing. We can talk.
  10. Shadowdude

    Official BOS Study Meat v2.0 (Winter Edition)

    Uhh, I'm going. But srsly, EX2 seminar. y/n
  11. Shadowdude

    Official BOS Study Meat v2.0 (Winter Edition)

    Seminars... just like a lecture.
  12. Shadowdude

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread Should i sig that? Honourary UWS student :p
  13. Shadowdude

    EXTRA ATAR Points

    I got into my course through 5 bonus points, in the second round when the cut-off was 99.95. *phew*
  14. Shadowdude

    Ah okay. I can't believe I haven't asked this but.. what's your EX2 thing about anyway? And...

    Ah okay. I can't believe I haven't asked this but.. what's your EX2 thing about anyway? And what's this about 7 hours? 7 hours to... what? (and m8, you've been on four overseas trips... that's two more than me and i'm only upper lower middle class :p )
  15. Shadowdude

    Official BOS Study Meat v2.0 (Winter Edition)

    Re: Official BOS Study Meat v2.0 you're a vegetarian? or vegan
  16. Shadowdude

    Official BOS Study Meat v2.0 (Winter Edition)

    Re: Official BOS Study Meat v2.0 lol he censored r***
  17. Shadowdude

    Official BOS Study Meat v2.0 (Winter Edition)

    Re: Official BOS Study Meat v2.0 but i said i was doing english If nothing else, I can help with essay writing because I've actually learned a few gr8 techniques in English this sem, to be perfectly serious. And, I can just confer with whoever is seminar-ing on English essay writings...
  18. Shadowdude

    Official BOS Study Meat v2.0 (Winter Edition)

    Re: Official BOS Study Meat v2.0 but thats independence day and i may be going to someone's birthday party... decisions decisions --- also why am i not listed on the attendees :(
  19. Shadowdude

    And how was the feedback? And I think the meats are early July or late June so... you know...

    And how was the feedback? And I think the meats are early July or late June so... you know, first and second week of holidays I'd think. And if you go to a rural school that means... you can't come to any meats :( :( :( :( unless you're this one person who drove 7 hours to get to the november...
  20. Shadowdude

    How much scaling in MATH1151?

    It's maths. So no.