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  1. Shadowdude

    UNSW Exams in a Marquee??

    oh see, that's why you wait outside the marquees for your asian friends and then walk in the tail section of the large group that way, you dont block anyone and you can go at a leisurely pace Personally, I can't wait for the tunnel walk for my English exam. And the marquee where my English...
  2. Shadowdude

    Hi,Guys. Chemical engineering @ USYD or UNSW??

    I'd like to think there's a reason that there are 923758923752389523985789235 Engineering buildings on the UNSW campus.
  3. Shadowdude

    Leadership as extra curricular

    School Captain? House Leader...?
  4. Shadowdude

    Finals coming up >:(

    fins2624 was hard :( :( :( :( english next... i'll (finally) watch the two plays i haven't seen tomorrow. and then... make notes on how they relate to genre. And then Distinction it up on Wednesday! =D
  5. Shadowdude

    How much scaling in MATH1151?

    Well, umm... I had a lecturer who went through the 2011 past paper for MATH2111 and he told us mark values for each question.
  6. Shadowdude

    The Mathematics CORNY Pick Up Lines THREAD

    Re: [The Mathematics CORNY Pick Up Lines THREAD] how about... I'd converge to you like the Central Limit Theorem kekekekekekekekekeke
  7. Shadowdude

    When are the marks released.

    nah keep this on the down low but i hear he's too busy wining and dining his girlfriend to have extramural stuff spends oodles on her feeds her noodles helps himself to a lot too
  8. Shadowdude

    Satire... ah. That might be good. What's it about? tell me about it :p

    Satire... ah. That might be good. What's it about? tell me about it :p
  9. Shadowdude

    Finals coming up >:(

    c-c-c-c-COMBO breaker
  10. Shadowdude


    i went to a school concert on tuesday and my sister got awarded the 'rachel' part when the school vocal group/glee club thing did "Don't Stop Belevin'" i'm just biased.
  11. Shadowdude

    Finals coming up >:(

    dude, i don't think the tutors are that desperate
  12. Shadowdude

    Finals coming up >:(

    he luvs dat f33l more than you ever will though
  13. Shadowdude

    Official BOS Study Meat v2.0 (Winter Edition)

    Yes, it's similar to the Extension 1 English Course.
  14. Shadowdude

    Finals coming up >:(

    Suck costs?
  15. Shadowdude

    The Mathematics CORNY Pick Up Lines THREAD

    Re: [The Mathematics CORNY Pick Up Lines THREAD] *sigh* do you really want to bring that area into this Well, not if epsilon is larger than 1 :( you really think that wow
  16. Shadowdude

    UNSW Exams in a Marquee??

    Uhh, I went good. Average to abit below average of the high academic achievers I surround myself with. (and that's why i don't hang out with you)
  17. Shadowdude

    The Mathematics CORNY Pick Up Lines THREAD

    Re: [The Mathematics CORNY Pick Up Lines THREAD] not as shit as you could someone please explain to him that 84 is a bigger number than 83.
  18. Shadowdude

    The Mathematics CORNY Pick Up Lines THREAD

    Re: [The Mathematics CORNY Pick Up Lines THREAD] Yes, that's the observed proportion... and so we can make a 95% confidence interval and blah blah blah... and whatnot now. i'm doing the tute problems now, i thought it'd be appropriate :( (plus i stole it from somewhere) Yes, but I believe...
  19. Shadowdude

    ACCT1501 - Exam

    Du Pont? what is that must've put new content since 2 semesters ago
  20. Shadowdude

    Official BOS Study Meat v2.0 (Winter Edition)

    Yeah I could do that. I could also go through essay plan writing. An very often neglected portion of essay writing that... I actually discovered the use of in the past semester. They're actually quite bloody awesome once you know what they're for and how to do them. Before I thought: "pfft...