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  1. S

    Examination Response (And subsequently Raw Results, Results Check)

    Evening All, Just enquiring as to whether someone can help me with the exact location for purchasing a 2016 Examination Response (for my younger sibling). I am on Students Online. I have done the following Go to My Details > Results Services - But can't seem to see the link to purchase...
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    Advice on Tax Returns

    Do I have to create a link with ATO in my 'MyGov' account before I can do it?? (For some reason it's not accepting my account number. :( And now I'm locked out for an hour :( )
  3. S

    2 Exams in one day, what do I do?

    A positive mindset to do well in both is very important. A few days previous, you can have your notes summarised down with key points/similar. Have plenty of sleep the night before, and on the day, have a clear mind. Don't try to cram information in between, as this may lead you to 'stuff up'...
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    Legal rights of Ownership VS rights of Possession

    Evening All, Could someone please explain to me the legal rights of Ownership and how they differ to the right of possession? Thanks for your help in advance. :) Smile :)
  5. S

    Which subject should i drop?

    Drop the subject you feel least confident in. . . I.e. Keep the subject you believe you can get the highest mark in. Choose the subject that you believe if you focus on, you're going to do better in... :)
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    Advice on Tax Returns

    Yeah that's what I thought I could do.. Any place ok?! How much is it? :)
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    Advice on Tax Returns

    Awesome... I need to get to it... I wonder if there's a cut off date... Cut off: 31st October!!
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    Advice on Tax Returns

    Evening All, I'm new to completing a Tax Return.... Could anyone give me some advice on completing/submitting a Tax Return please?? :) Tips/ Hints etc would be appreciated. :) Thanks in advance. Regards, Smile
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    Warning: Phishing scam. Please read

    Bump. Thank you for the warning. :)
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    A graphic war poem DULCE ET DECORUM EST. Bent double, like old beggars under sacks, Knock-kneeds, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge, Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs And towards our distant rest began to trudge. Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots But...
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    Difference between glycerol,glycerides, phospholipid, cholesterol, chylomicrons?

    BTW, have you tried this website?? Here is the specific link to the dotpoint above: Hope the above helps. :)
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    Dealing with two exams on the same day.

    A positive mindset to do well in both is very important. A few days previous, you can have your notes summarised down with key points/similar. Have plenty of sleep the night before, and on the day, have a clear mind. Don't try to cram information in between, as this may lead you to 'stuff up'...
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    English Tutors

    Thanks Ronya, MrEditor and trumanblack. :) Bump!
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    HIGH QUALITY English Tutoring

    Bump for HPF. A truly helpful individual. :)
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    Notes from a 2014er

    Business Studies notes sound great . . . Thanks. :)
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    Site Speed

    It is extremely slow. It's not just you! (Well, it's slow for me too!)
  17. S

    Creative Writing

    It is ok, if it strongly/specifically answers the given 'Discovery' based question - You made need to check the Discovery rubric to make sure your current story covers all points. If your current story covers all the subpoints/areas of the Discovery rubric, then yes, you will continue to get...
  18. S

    | 98.05 | Tutoring: Chem (93) | Maths (93) | FREE FIRST LESSON |

    Re: Tutoring: Chem (91) | Maths (93) | FREE FIRST LESSON No problems. :) Another bump for Enigma. :)
  19. S

    | 98.05 | Tutoring: Chem (93) | Maths (93) | FREE FIRST LESSON |

    Re: Tutoring: Chem (91) | Maths (93) | FREE FIRST LESSON Bump for Enigma. :) (She was willing to assist me any time with q's I had!)