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  1. L

    the perks of an awesome atar and very happy parents

    got a grand and mums paying for my first tattoo.
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    Difference in marks between your best and worst subjects?

    Best - SAC 99 Worst - Modern 91 No surprises since they were my best and worst subjects accordingly
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    Would anyone believe this?

    I got 98.15 and my work was not consistent at all. Before assessments/exams i would work my ass off, i won't deny, life would stop. But when there was none, I wouldn't do anything. I still studied my ass off, there is no denying it, but it was in no way consistent.
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    Uac letter?

    hahahahahahahaha automagically
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    Share your 2009 ATAR here

    98.15 Pretty amazing considering I was doubtful whether I'd scrape 90 or not..
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    Distinguished Achievers List (with searchable excel file)

    Re: Distinguished Achievers List Woooohooooo
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    How accurate are SAM/UMAX?

    I keep getting around 97-98.. But I don't understand how it aligns with my results? Am i doing something wrong?
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    1 or 2 Related Texts?

    Clearly the amount of related texts you did does not directly affect your mark. Shit happens guys. Just be proud of your mark regardless of what you did.
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    1 or 2 Related Texts?

    94, used 2 related. muaha
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    Share your 2009 HSC results here

    Sharing them here cause I'd feel ridiculous openly posting them anywhere else and I'm so happy! Advanced - 94 Extension Eng - 46 Modern History - 91 PDHPE - 92 SOR 1 - 46 Society & Culture - 99
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    All nighter on BoS on dec16th

    Just woke up from an hour or so's sleep, surprisingly not one person is online on facebook? Thank god for bos
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    Creative Arts Interview Letter 09

    Thanks shit school. I guess that's all I can do then
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    Creative Arts Interview Letter 09

    Im appyling for journalism, when it says I need to include original and photocopied transcripts of Trial results what does it mean? The only record I have of trial marks are on my report which I have to give in anyway...
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    Legible Handwriting

    I'm kind of worried now considering you're all telling people with quite legible handwriting that theirs not so legible .. This is me in exam conditions, but still this is considered extremely neat for me. I also realise i write like 2 words a line lol
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    Question 11

    as did I. also rambled about immigration and i think there was a female minister? i dont even know what i was talking about i was so thrown off by question 3 lol i didnt even care about this q
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    Factors affecting perofrmance - Development of a training program

    So I was given an assessment to do over the holidays for PDHPE. We were told we could email him with any questions, progress, etc. However our school has decided to redesign our entire website or some CRAP during the holidays and I haven't been able to get into contact with him at all and I have...
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    Memorising an essay! tips?

    I put things into tables for english - a column for techniques and a column for points, and a new row for each paragraph/theme/etc. I look over this, rewrite my essay, then try and write my essay just from my table, repeat how ever many times
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    Students to be taught there isn't a God in Victorian schools

    religion and non-religion is a topic for sor2, at the moment at least. humanism was explored in it
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    byron bay schoolies 2008

    Re: Byron Bay 2008: Best dates for schoolies where are you all staying? i need some help chosing for 2009 if you would care to share.
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    Anyone do Extension English?

    We did romantic comedy - clueless & emma. Emma was the worst term of my life. Ever. Clueless was lovely of course. I didn't even read Emma, the first and only book I've ever been given in English and I haven't read, haha when I told my english teacher that she was heartbroken..