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  1. TimeAndTide

    USYD Pharmacy 2006

    Does anyone know the estimated cut-off for 2006?
  2. TimeAndTide

    Gwen Stefani and her Asian schoolgirl fetish the same fetishes :) :)
  3. TimeAndTide

    Any Gunbounders?

    Started playing GB a month ago. Now I'm hooked on it! Anyone here play GB?
  4. TimeAndTide

    Real-life Matrix. In summary: This neat gadget by Sony will allow us to feel, taste, and smell stuff in games. How sweet would that be whilst playing Counter-Strike?
  5. TimeAndTide

    99 Problems lyrics.

    "The years '94, and my trunk is raw" Whats that supposed to mean? Dead body, or full of drugs? Where's hiphop..
  6. TimeAndTide

    I hate circles

    I just spent 2 hours getting my brain raped by cirlce geometry. Is there an easier way to do them? No matter how much i do...i dont get any smarter since there are different questions that need you to do all sorts of fancy crap to prove.
  7. TimeAndTide

    Channel 7 is losing it...

    Family Guy isn't on anymore... What the hell were they thinking!? It was the only decent show on channel 7 i reckon, and now they replaced it with some crappy show called Reba. i'm assuming its crappy because this always happens. You guys remember Greg the Bunny? That was hilarious. They...
  8. TimeAndTide

    The significance of Santa.

    Jesus died on the cross to save humans, but where does santa come into this whole fiasco? I mean, its not like HE died on the cross. Whats the significance of this fat-ass?
  9. TimeAndTide

    Largest University.

    Which university is the largest by area? Just curious, because i got lost in UNSW because it was so big.
  10. TimeAndTide

    That Anthony song.

    You know that Anthony dude that lost Australian Idol? He made a *new* song right? How do you think it will go? I heard it, and I was like.....he's so gooooone. :) Heh. What do you think?
  11. TimeAndTide

    Prelim ---> HSC - Holiday AKA Extended Study Period

    So, the Christmas holidaays will officially be the last real study time for us. Lets face it, the 2 week holidays inbetween Term 2-3 is nothing. so how long are you going to study per day? I know some people that will study for 12-13 hours a day throughout. Thats freaky. I should do the same :)
  12. TimeAndTide

    無間道 - Remake

    無間道 - Remake [ Infernal Affairs ] 無間道 aka. Mou Gan Dou aka. Wu jian Dao going to be remade by Martin Scorcese....fucker. Old news, i know, but what do you guys think about it? I heard its got LeoDickCrapio(not a spelling mistake) and Matt Damon (the guy who kissed another guy in some...
  13. TimeAndTide

    Which option are you choosing/forced to take?

    I'm forced to do Industrial chemistry i think....but i want to do forensics.... What about you?
  14. TimeAndTide


    For the poeple who are waiting for their marks....are you people scared? I mean, I'm not in yr 12 right now...but i'd like to know, so i can find out how to feel one year later...
  15. TimeAndTide

    Irc: #hsc

    i heard there's an irc channel for hsc students called #Hsc. Can anyone tell me how i can get on it? Ummm...what server?
  16. TimeAndTide

    Shear Force/Bending moment diagrams do we do these? Especially the shear force diagram.