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  1. M

    HSC Notes-Im giving them away!

    eeer ya snappa has a point there. hehe, also i have one of the BEST summary books i have ever seen for a course. But the catch is that it only it only really suits my classes selections. And because there sare so many things you can study in SOR 2 then it is more than likely that most people...
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    Religious Rites

    yeh im doing christianity and Hinduism. For rites, we did marriage and pd. So for marriage we did a mock hindu wedding... we didn't do a xnity one because most of the people who havn't been living under a rock most of their lives have been to one or seen a movie that somewhat resemble one. And...
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    CSSA 2006 paper?

    Its a board of studies thing. But yeh oh well. I got my trials starting on monday but thats all drama stuff, and if you ask any REAL student its not even a rael subject. hehe nah just pullin ya leg :P. but i did just finish my major work for music which is a 6minute composition so its feels good...
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    Cheers bud, But Our school uses Novell CLient and its got Wiki blocked, so i can only really research at home (which is hard cause im hardly ever there :( ) oh well, i'll see what i can drag up, cheers mate
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    Nah theres nothing in the resource section but i do have the Mac guide... then again its fairly Wishy Woshy so i dont really know what to do :S. I'm so screwed for the trials! :(
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    Ok, I'm really stuck for Ways of Holiness notes for Hinduism. We havn't recieved any notes and all attempts to have some emailed to me or even copied for me have failed... Actually the whole class is kinda in a pickle because we have never been given them. So if anyone has ANYTHING that would be...
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    CSSA 2006 paper?

    ok, my teacher has the SOR stat pack and he says it infringes copyright laws by copying it for. I researched this and found out that its not. Just checking with you snapper, that i am correct in thinking this
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    2005 Catholic Schools' Religious Rites Question

    Also there are examples of band 1-6 answers on the Board of Studies website. My teacher has just printed it all and collated it for us. Also snapperhead, do you know my teacher Mr Burton? He seems to know you some how?
  9. M

    SOR Results

    Lol as no one was posting crap i think we could get ppl to share with us what they are aiming for? (%age wise) Myself, im hoping for something around the 92-93 mark. Thats not too lopfty for myself, mostly because SOR is my fav subject. Care to share?
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    Support Networks

    I know for most males in this forum, accepting that they need heklp with study is not an easy thing to admit. But does anyone out there have a group of mates (guyz and girls) that they get together with on a regular basis to study and share new notes? I do at my school. I'm one of 3 guys...
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    Study guide!

    A good study guide? Get together with 2-3 people who are capable of working together without distracting various members. Answer every syl point in detail and then do all your past papers 3-4 times. The most important point is not to be content to "mostly" know a point. Also my teacher just...
  12. M

    Anyone get their ISP's back?

    Mine was only worth 10%. I got 9.8572 out of ten. Yes its a bloody weird mark but my teacher is very exact. To give you an idea his previous career was in Futures. He's an odd case but he knows his stuff
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    About ISP's

    Well after discovering that the ISP i originally did, didn't count because the school screwed up the assessment sheet, I ended up doing, CHarles Darwin's "Origin of the species". Got 20/20, Was exactly 1750 words with 4000 footnotes. Lol the teacher said we could have as many as we liked and...
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    changing sor2 to sor1

    and don't forget that even if you a doing crap in a subject, alot of poeple lift when it comes to the HSC exams. Go and get yourself a past papers book and use it heaps. It will be the best $20 you ever spent... promise :D
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    :'( Maths is shit

    ok, well simpson's rule is in general, and general is not for idiots. I dropped from 3 unit to general (HAHA!) because i did not require it. And yes general is sufficient for most design courses. When you read the pressumed knowledge CORRECTLY it actually says 2 units of maths, not 2 unit maths...
  16. M

    ISP topics

    Im do "Over/Under realized escatology of pentacostals and its effect on their literature". Slightly contravercial but nothing i cant deal with
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    Feeling confident?

    No not really. ATM im bogged down with $cientology. I set up a forum online about them and had some LEgal documents on there which i probably shouldn't have had and they came down on me like a ton of bricks. So i've basically told them to stick it in their pipe and smoke it because they...
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    Anyone get their ISP's back?

    I just finished my ISP, and its on "Over/Under realized Escatology and its effect on christian literature." So far my teacher said he is very impressed with it so if i score a 90+ it means i should stay on top with 3 assessments to go :)
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    Assessment Task

    One of the best sources for that is the DOCs stats. Just have a look at how many Aboriginal kids are in the systems (both adoption and corrective). Just do a little diggibng and you'll be surprised what pops up. My teacher advised that against me using the DOCs stats but i scored 94% so it can't...
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    Newspaper Articles

    There is also the option of looking through christian newspapers. The southern cross often has alot about those topics. I know you have finished now but for future refernce to other students who are their HSC now it is a good idea to check out Anglican, Baptist or Uniting church papers. Though i...