ADAM! (guess who it is...i'm in your maths class and I go to your saturday school
) i guessed it was you cos of your subjects haha
i'm doing the exact same thing with my sister...I'm helping her with english as much as possible and getting her to read as many books possible so that she aces english and does 4u of english and can afford to drop maths completely! she HATES maths right hopefully she can be like the smart ones in our school that dropped maths and did 4u english and the humanities and got over 99 atar haha
shame you didn't get over 90
![Frown :( :(]()
I know that you deserved it...knowing you throughout high school with your genius marks in year 8 and 9! oh and congrats on your band 6 in english!
but at least you get into uni
![Smile :) :)]()
good luck with everything though!