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Mar 26, 2008
Amanda impresses Dad more than the university graduates he employs. She has an Adv Dip (Accounting) and that is adequate study to become a registered accountant (but not a registered CPA or Chartered).

Dad honestly believes that the quality of the TAFE course and its practical focus are why Amanda did so well and makes a great accountant and employee. She has had more practical training in her 4 year (part time, 2 years full time) diploma course than Dad had in his B Bus from the institution now known as UTS. It was only when Dad enrolled to become a CPA that the training became more practical-focused. And the CPA qualification only took one - two years I think (possibly just 6 months).
So I am guessing that you'd go to TAFE. That's good for most ppl on BoS as they don't have to see you at uni.


goodbye cruel world
Jun 1, 2009
Don't encourage him. I get more animated on the BoS forum than I do in real life. This is just virtual reality - computers talking to one another (well computers controlled by people talking to one another).

If you meet me in real life, you'd find I'm quite a pleasant person. I'm told that I'm very funny despite being annoyingly stubborn. I don't know why you're all so mean to ... all I did was make a few bad posts. Please don't flame me or jump down my throat, especially you Duck Cow Hybird (Yash) you are the worst of all - you are a cyber bully and your rude, impatient and cruel remarks have to stop! Shut up all of you.
Go through your old posts, read through them. You might then understand why you get lots of neg rep. You actively encourage people flaming and/or neg repping you.

If you think you are being cyberbullied, post a thread in
Contact Moderators


Mar 26, 2008
TAFE is my back-up plan, yes. But I won't go to TAFE, probably. I'm planning on studying for the award of an MBBS at the University of Western Sydney, so odds are quite a few people from BoS will have to see me. And if UWS doesn't accept me, then it's B Med at Newcastle University, or MBBS at UNSW.

You can't get rid of me that quickly. And stupid guess anyway. I never want to be an accountant because I hate taxation and I despise money. Yes I'm going to be a paedeatrician but most of my salary will go toward bettering my family's life (wife and kids) and donations to children's charities, e.g. Cancer Council or other charities that help children, like World Vision Australia.
I for one, am not interested in reading your random stories about your family and their employes or relatives. You should just get off BoS before you piss everyone off.


Dec 20, 2008
You do know that you're an arsehole, I hope. No one cares about money so much, but you. Amanda is a wonderful, lovely, well rounded accountant who does her job, works 4 days per week (part time) and earns a wage, that combined with her husband Kon's covers their living expenses and allows them to pay for yearly trips to Europe - Italy, France and abroad.

So are you telling me you'd rather be some millionaire with 2 real friends and 1000 "business buddies" or acquaintances instead of a lovely person who is so kind it makes you smile every time they walk into the office? You just know she's there to do the job and do it well. And she cares about the clients. Not just the money or making a profit.

You, on the other hand, obviously don't care too much about anyone but yourself. She's selfless, you're selfish. You just want to be a "shark" working at some well-known bank that rips people off with their outrageous ATM fees and ridiculous interest rates. Get a life, you self-centred, money-hungry flaming-post bitch.

Laugh at me all you like. I'm going to be a paedeatrician and donate half of my salary to children's charities. What are you going to do to help people? Rip the off? pfft
ATM fees? Interest rates? You really have to be joking. 1. I wouldn't give two shits about ATM fees since I'd be doing something far superior, e.g. investment banking. 2. With the ridiculous interest rates I'd actually put my money IN the bank instead of borrowing it, and capitalizing bigtime on some riskfree cash that spun more and more.

You attacked me. Stick to attacking my arguments, rather than flaming and being a bully/dickhead. It really shows that your temper is very short and you have a poor ability to remain calm and restrained. This qualities (anger and bitterness) are bad.

You've shown plenty of anger and bitterness here, yet you said this exact thing to me(in a rep no less), and here I definitely attacked your arguments. And I wouldn't say 2 real life friends, I mean I have plenty more right now and no doubt I'll get more later. Being a shark is fun, the world needs stupid people for people like me to feed on. I'm also going to be there to do a job and do it well. And my job is earning money for my company. I don't give a shit if the rest of the world wants me dead as long as I'm happy. Also yearly trips are useless, have a holiday at home and go on trips when you can afford to (mo mortgages etc).

TAFE is my back-up plan, yes. But I won't go to TAFE, probably. I'm planning on studying for the award of an MBBS at the University of Western Sydney, so odds are quite a few people from BoS will have to see me. And if UWS doesn't accept me, then it's B Med at Newcastle University, or MBBS at UNSW.

You can't get rid of me that quickly. And stupid guess anyway. I never want to be an accountant because I hate taxation and I despise money. Yes I'm going to be a paedeatrician but most of my salary will go toward bettering my family's life (wife and kids) and donations to children's charities, e.g. Cancer Council or other charities that help children, like World Vision Australia.
Pretty sure a lot of my money is going to my wife and kids as well just FYI.

Don't encourage him. I get more animated on the BoS forum than I do in real life. This is just virtual reality - computers talking to one another (well computers controlled by people talking to one another).

If you meet me in real life, you'd find I'm quite a pleasant person. I'm told that I'm very funny despite being annoyingly stubborn. I don't know why you're all so mean to ... all I did was make a few bad posts. Please don't flame me or jump down my throat, especially you Duck Cow Hybird (Yash) you are the worst of all - you are a cyber bully and your rude, impatient and cruel remarks have to stop! Shut up all of you.
It's hybrid. And it's one word. And it's amusing how you're so arrogant you call yourself a pleasant person. Your posts reek of hypocrisy. Is it also not possible that I'm completely calm with everything I post, just thats the way I talk. And I may be rude to you, but I'm certainly not impatient, and I highly doubt saying that my firsthand experience with a real firm is more valid than some ancedote is cruel. Nor is anything else I've told you that wasn't warranted. Your racist remarks toward Anna definitely must stop, espeically the Asian chants. They're vile and disgusting. Along with you in general. Definitely not a cyberbully. Just one tough sexy motherfucker that's standing up to you.

P.S. I know I'm a complete arrogant dickhead. You're the one with emotional anguish. I'm the one squealing with laughter.

Without Wings

Super Moderator
Dec 15, 2003
You guys have had enough chances to clean up your act and yet you continue to resort to personal attacks. As I've said time and time again if you have a difference of opinion discuss/debate the point, there is no need to flame each other.

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