Ayaan Hirsi Ali (2 Viewers)


Jun 15, 2010
or stay in it
Shut up you slut, ive seen ur picture, you look like a male ape, but yeah, u are unlucky you seem to have been into crazy shit cunt parents who probably beat you up and never let you leave your room/house. Your parents are dumb cunt muslims then, and their retardedness has obviously reflected on you.

Anyway, This somalian slut, obviously has bad experiences with muslims, because her parents are fucking retarded, and horrible reflections of islam. Islam doesnt say to force your daughter to get married at fucking 10. The prophet did so, only because it was considerd FINE all over the world back then to do so. Just google it, only 200 years ago it was acceptable for english and french daughters to be forced into marriage at age 16-18, because marriage of children meant a partnership between the parents (true story), if it was acceptable in europe to force your daughter to be married at 16, imagine approximately 2000 years ago! at the time of our (other muslims) prophets.

I think she should quite down obviously, she has a right to say what ever she wants, although her statements have absolutely no facts in them, and the only ones that support her are anti muslims, who have never read the quran, and retarded cunt muslims, who are confused about their own sexuality, appearance, health, sanity, look like a mess, and have had a horrible up bringing due to retarded cunt parents (Prime example yo1anda).

I feel for hirsi ali's traumatic childhood experience, but it is only due to idiotic insane parents, not a religion which is in no way in support of this.


Mar 13, 2009
Shut up you slut, ive seen ur picture, you look like a male ape, but yeah, u are unlucky you seem to have been into crazy shit cunt parents who probably beat you up and never let you leave your room/house. Your parents are dumb cunt muslims then, and their retardedness has obviously reflected on you.

Anyway, This somalian slut, obviously has bad experiences with muslims, because her parents are fucking retarded, and horrible reflections of islam. Islam doesnt say to force your daughter to get married at fucking 10. The prophet did so, only because it was considerd FINE all over the world back then to do so. Just google it, only 200 years ago it was acceptable for english and french daughters to be forced into marriage at age 16-18, because marriage of children meant a partnership between the parents (true story), if it was acceptable in europe to force your daughter to be married at 16, imagine approximately 2000 years ago! at the time of our (other muslims) prophets.

I think she should quite down obviously, she has a right to say what ever she wants, although her statements have absolutely no facts in them, and the only ones that support her are anti muslims, who have never read the quran, and retarded cunt muslims, who are confused about their own sexuality, appearance, health, sanity, look like a mess, and have had a horrible up bringing due to retarded cunt parents (Prime example yo1anda).

I feel for hirsi ali's traumatic childhood experience, but it is only due to idiotic insane parents, not a religion which is in no way in support of this.
And my making utterly sexist, degrading comments towards a girl who disagrees with you it TOTALLY not Muslim, hey?

And getting married at 10 is very different to 16, you 'tard. They haven't even gone through puberty.


Dr Greenthumb
Jul 30, 2007
Shut up you slut, ive seen ur picture, you look like a male ape, but yeah, u are unlucky you seem to have been into crazy shit cunt parents who probably beat you up and never let you leave your room/house. Your parents are dumb cunt muslims then, and their retardedness has obviously reflected on you.

Anyway, This somalian slut, obviously has bad experiences with muslims, because her parents are fucking retarded, and horrible reflections of islam. Islam doesnt say to force your daughter to get married at fucking 10. The prophet did so, only because it was considerd FINE all over the world back then to do so. Just google it, only 200 years ago it was acceptable for english and french daughters to be forced into marriage at age 16-18, because marriage of children meant a partnership between the parents (true story), if it was acceptable in europe to force your daughter to be married at 16, imagine approximately 2000 years ago! at the time of our (other muslims) prophets.

I think she should quite down obviously, she has a right to say what ever she wants, although her statements have absolutely no facts in them, and the only ones that support her are anti muslims, who have never read the quran, and retarded cunt muslims, who are confused about their own sexuality, appearance, health, sanity, look like a mess, and have had a horrible up bringing due to retarded cunt parents (Prime example yo1anda).

I feel for hirsi ali's traumatic childhood experience, but it is only due to idiotic insane parents, not a religion which is in no way in support of this.
...don't reply to a troll...


Mar 12, 2010
No one's can refute my thread on Islam being created by the Vatican.

Chemical Ali

지금은 소녀시대
Feb 22, 2006
Shut up you slut, ive seen ur picture, you look like a male ape, but yeah, u are unlucky you seem to have been into crazy shit cunt parents who probably beat you up and never let you leave your room/house. Your parents are dumb cunt muslims then, and their retardedness has obviously reflected on you.

Anyway, This somalian slut, obviously has bad experiences with muslims, because her parents are fucking retarded, and horrible reflections of islam. Islam doesnt say to force your daughter to get married at fucking 10. The prophet did so, only because it was considerd FINE all over the world back then to do so. Just google it, only 200 years ago it was acceptable for english and french daughters to be forced into marriage at age 16-18, because marriage of children meant a partnership between the parents (true story), if it was acceptable in europe to force your daughter to be married at 16, imagine approximately 2000 years ago! at the time of our (other muslims) prophets.

I think she should quite down obviously, she has a right to say what ever she wants, although her statements have absolutely no facts in them, and the only ones that support her are anti muslims, who have never read the quran, and retarded cunt muslims, who are confused about their own sexuality, appearance, health, sanity, look like a mess, and have had a horrible up bringing due to retarded cunt parents (Prime example yo1anda).

I feel for hirsi ali's traumatic childhood experience, but it is only due to idiotic insane parents, not a religion which is in no way in support of this.
if the prophet is supposed to be a perfect example for all humanity, shouldn't his actions be acceptable across all times and socie--MENTALFILTERSDON'TQUESTIONANYTHINGISLAMISGOODISLAMISGOOD


Jun 15, 2010
if the prophet is supposed to be a perfect example for all humanity, shouldn't his actions be acceptable across all times and socie--MENTALFILTERSDON'TQUESTIONANYTHINGISLAMISGOODISLAMISGOOD
No, you would be a monkey to not acknowledge time and society change. Muhammed is only a human being, we do not worship him in anyway, he is only like you and I, but differs than you only in what he believes in. Muhammed was a normal man, we do not idolise him, but say he did some good stuff, we do not pray to him, but acknowledge he helped spread he word. Muslims dont believe we are supperior to you (those who believe in judaism, christianity, athiests). We do not kill those who disagree with us, if you read about our prophet, (whom you say we should apparently idolize), you will read that he states clearly and repeatidly, Peace over war and death, but if you have no choice, do not let them steal your land and kill your wife and children, fight back. You will realise this if you actually speak to a muslim, like i have spoken to jews, christians, athiests, instead of reading.. my i say COMPLETELY BIASED rubbish, ie from this hirsi ali woman, and yo1anda, who both have 1 thing in common, got raised by complete retarded insane, abusive parents. It is quite evident in their mental state.


Jun 15, 2010
ITT: Islam is for dumb cunts
Well, my 2009 ATAR was 98.6, but yes, i guess that means im still a dumb cunt. I did expect better from you, i dont expect much from Zombie omie, and most of the rest, who attack with phrases like that.
thought you would disagree with logic in your eyes, not just calling me a dumb cunt.


Jun 15, 2010
And my making utterly sexist, degrading comments towards a girl who disagrees with you it TOTALLY not Muslim, hey?

And getting married at 10 is very different to 16, you 'tard. They haven't even gone through puberty.
how do you know they havent gone through puberty? i went through fucking puberty at 10. I guess you met muhammeds wife then?
Hmm, use some logic please, ill say it once more, it was ok in europe, (google it, read up, you are given a brain to read and learn use it) to force ur daughter to get married at 16, because it was considered a partnership between the families, which would result in economic and political advancement for the parents. NOW!! this is 200 years ago, imagine 2000 years ago!!! look, i can get sources of rabbis, priests, hindus, buhdas, kings, princes getting married to woman at that age, and possibly younger, whats your point?


Mar 13, 2009
"Imagine 2000 years ago" does not give evidence. Age 16 200 years ago is completely different.

If you went through puberty that young, something is wrong with you, that's definately not the normal age. More like 12/13


Jun 15, 2010
"Imagine 2000 years ago" does not give evidence. Age 16 200 years ago is completely different.

If you went through puberty that young, something is wrong with you, that's definately not the normal age. More like 12/13
In a person, who doesnt have the common sense or logic, to realise that ethics, times and society do change, couldnt realise the difference between those two identities.

A 1997 briefing paper to the NSW Parliament (paper 21/97, "The age of consent", by Rachel Simpson and Honor Figgis) mentions. "A statutory age of consent to sexual intercourse for the purposes of the criminal law in the United Kingdom can be found as early as 1275. It was originally 12, was raised to 13 in 1875 and to 16 in 1885."

There, because you couldnt be bothered googling it, here go, and thats 1275 in england, imagine 1000 years further back.


May 9, 2010
how do you know they havent gone through puberty? i went through fucking puberty at 10. I guess you met muhammeds wife then?
Hmm, use some logic please, ill say it once more, it was ok in europe, (google it, read up, you are given a brain to read and learn use it) to force ur daughter to get married at 16, because it was considered a partnership between the families, which would result in economic and political advancement for the parents. NOW!! this is 200 years ago, imagine 2000 years ago!!! look, i can get sources of rabbis, priests, hindus, buhdas, kings, princes getting married to woman at that age, and possibly younger, whats your point?
O okay so a 10 year old with her periods can agree to a marriage


the difference, you cunt, is that Europe and the rest of the world have changed whereas the middle east still marries off 9-13 year olds

katie tully

ashleey luvs roosters
Jun 15, 2008
My wrist is limp
I do ask the question as to what puberty has to do with marriage.

It doesn't necessarily mean they had sex straight away, often they got married off at ages much younger, but were not required to consummate the marriage until their first period.

Dumb as they were, the link between menstruation and womanhood was ~relatively~ understood.

katie tully

ashleey luvs roosters
Jun 15, 2008
My wrist is limp
And yes times have changed, but if you think that the average life expectancy back then was like 30, getting married at 10 was not at all strange.

As whats herface Habib just suggested, the rest of the world has progressed whereas Islam is still stuck in some place a long time ago.

And that is why Islam sucks.


Jun 15, 2010
O okay so a 10 year old with her periods can agree to a marriage


the difference, you cunt, is that Europe and the rest of the world have changed whereas the middle east still marries off 9-13 year olds
Oh shit wait, im a guy lol, sorry yo1anda :(
Yes, you are correct, finally someone who can use some fucking logic.
Now, who's fault is that yo1anda? I agree with you, it is fucking digusting!! No woman should have to go through that horrible shit. But, no where in our religion does it say this is acceptable, you will find to the contrary, it accepts woman as equal, who should married to a husband in a bond, that emotionally, and physically (lol) lasts forever, where the woman is not a fucking slave, like some dirty cunt saudia's and egyptians do. Now ill ask you, can a 10 year old and a 20 year old have a fucking emotionall relationship?.. maybe a parental one... this is just disgusting. What is going on is COMPLETELY!! against the laws of islam, only a fool would disagree. It can be called.. idiotic.. insane barbaric traditions, which occur ALL AROUND THE WORLD! not just the middle east, and not just with muslims, (and it is muslims, who are hypocrits, and ignore a vital part of the religion of healthy relationships with equality).
Look, im not saying this religion is the best thing in the world, and nothing is better, because that would make me a cunt, and a biased one at that, but im just defending its right to exist, and its right to be followed by those who wish to follow it.
Last edited:

Chemical Ali

지금은 소녀시대
Feb 22, 2006
No, you would be a monkey to not acknowledge time and society change. Muhammed is only a human being, we do not worship him in anyway, he is only like you and I, but differs than you only in what he believes in. Muhammed was a normal man, we do not idolise him, but say he did some good stuff, we do not pray to him, but acknowledge he helped spread he word. Muslims dont believe we are supperior to you (those who believe in judaism, christianity, athiests). We do not kill those who disagree with us, if you read about our prophet, (whom you say we should apparently idolize), you will read that he states clearly and repeatidly, Peace over war and death, but if you have no choice, do not let them steal your land and kill your wife and children, fight back. You will realise this if you actually speak to a muslim, like i have spoken to jews, christians, athiests, instead of reading.. my i say COMPLETELY BIASED rubbish, ie from this hirsi ali woman, and yo1anda, who both have 1 thing in common, got raised by complete retarded insane, abusive parents. It is quite evident in their mental state.
i realize you don't actually worship him, but nonetheless he's clearly set up as a great moral example, e.g. Quran 68:4 and 33:21

Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 68:4
Compared Translations of the meaning of the Quran - 33:21

Chemical Ali

지금은 소녀시대
Feb 22, 2006
If it is against Islam, why does it occur so frequently in countries ruled by Islamic law?
coz they're 3rd world shitholes with short life expectancies and rule of the strong-man?

EDIT: that accounts for the african countries but not ones like Saudi Arabia :S

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