PrettyVacant said:
Pffft! Stuff Ruse, =) I remember in year 6, my tutor (Mr. Ye..the hxc Asian one) was like, "YOU HAVE TO PUT DOWN JR!"
But I didn't.
Sorry if JR doesn't stand for James Ruse. =|
My sister will go to/goes to/went to NSGH; it will turn/turns out/turned out to be one of the best decisions of her life.
Yehhurrr, JR is Ruse. *twitch* Lots of people can make Ruse; few bother. I only acquiesced going to SBHS because two of my primary school friends landed there; now I've ceased all ties of friendship with them - one is gay, by the way.
Yes, yes, stuff Ruse, but Agriculture is awesome.
(Not; probably anyway. IMO, it seems fun, but I've heard more than my share of the tales, which shed negative light on it.)
watatank said:
It's better than high school physics. its pretty much the same concepts so far (mix of prelim and hsc) but its heaps more maths but its not much harder at all if you are maths orientated.
It was predominantly high school physics, with uni physics. It's run in the school by the school.
Compared to my peers, I'm not maths-orientated, but, uncannily enough, physics is easy (truly) and the maths is easy, too.
fenris said:
I wonder what careers will uni level physics earn me.
God you're a cynic.
Here's what you could do; complete the Large Hadron Collider, then realise that you've wasted your time finding the so-called God particle, a non-existent particle*, scrap all your work, and then become a mold.
*I hope that it doesn't happen, though; it'd totally fuck up quantum physics oh so badly, and the laws of nature.
Kujah said:
No school today =D Played cricket against Moorebank. Lost by 11 runs
There, there, Kujah; better luck next time, when you thrash them!