Justin says that if this is the case, that he hopes Lynn enjoys her evening, even if she is not looking forward to it.
Justin is like that. If he chooses to study, all is good. If he is told to, he really resents it.glitterfairy said:Lynn actually finds gardening theraputic, however like most things, she will happily do it if it is self-motivated but cannot stand being ordered to do it. Lynn is a bit of a rebel - although not consciously? *sigh* (happily it is hereditary, Lynn's dad is exactly the same)
Exactly so! Alan agrees totally.goldendawn said:Marcus also won't do something if he is told to do it. He does it of his own volition; and as much as he may now groan about his strenuous day, in truth he enjoyed it....Marcus dislikes feeling physically and emotionally slovenly. He finds that the best way to dispell this is through physical application.
*blush* Lynn didn;t know how to spell it, but at least she knows now that it is DEFINATELY "Papa Meilan"!goldendawn said:Marcus greets Alan and informs Lynn that Marcus' and his mum's favourite rose is also Papa Meilan.
Alan does so too. Not enjoy the sadness, but he feels it is sometimes vital. he doesnt see it as a sensation, that is better than nothing. But when he is sad, which unfortunatly, is most of the time, he is able to make decisions he can later refute and understand a bit more of what he thought was. Its confusing, Alan cant word much of what he thinks and feels.glitterfairy said:Ooooh! Lynn greets Alan... and his money hahaha!
Lynn sometimes finds physical activity (and thus, endorphins, and thus, cerratonin - the happy drug!) good for dispelling negative emotions but being a typical female, sometimes just likes to wallow in her own sadness, curled up in her quilt and hugging her teddy bear or a pet.