Ok now im going to be scientist on this thread, here i go:
These black holes are tiny, and in reality aren't really "black holes" in the sense of the monsters lying out in space. They are tiny, were talking smaller than we can even see with electron microscopes. Created in a laboratory they blip in to existence, they blink back out. That is even if they are created. First of all the LHC has to be calibrated and their going to use it to be able to add on an extra decimal point to known measurements to make them more accurate. However, even if these “mini black holes” which really aren’t mini more “nano back holes” are created, they wont last long, the end of the world is not coming from them.
Plus a black hole only has the force of gravity of an object of the same mass. If a black hole had the same mass as our sun, of course that mass would be in a much smaller volume, but it would only have the same force of gravity has out sun. There for anything that’s far enough away, would just orbit the black hole like it would a star.
These “nano black holes” would have the same gravitational force to pull things in as the particle that created it, which would be around 9.1093x10^-31KG which is mind bogglingly small. So it wouldn’t have enough gravitational force to eat the universe, no where near it. The end of the world will not end, even if it does, on the off chance, on the very off change that it does due to some super morphing nano black hole we wouldn’t be around to moan about it.