Questions to People With a Religion/No Religion. (1 Viewer)

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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
8/9 not 1/9 , meh... feeling sick so not really caring.
You're absolutely right Generator, and that's why I didn't respond.

Re: Gerhard
That's basically what my argument is, but where do atheists draw the line? Basically on whatever is 'out-there'.
Homesexuality, Drug-Abuse, Sex (In medial relationships).

Exactly the kind of thinking that's detrimental to society.
But, that's your business, and I wouldn't have explained this to anyone had 'Generator' not PM'ed me asking me to do so.

It was a simple 'Survey' those who wanted to participate did so. No one forced you, I drew you in with a title that adressed your attention. and Boom, came to my own 'rash' conclusions in your opinions.

But, then again, It's quite right.
Wait, aren't atheists supposed to be 'open' to new things? or was that just the nail-polish over a seemingly clean hand.

Whatever, to sick to deal with this, and need sleep for school.

-Good Luck


Mar 9, 2004
I still stand by the request for an actual citation of the source.

I also would like to pose how "detrimental" it would be if someone enforced that sex before marriage was wrong, and homosexuality is wrong.

Actually I might abstain from this thread altogether. You have raised far too many controversial views and you have already drawn yourself your own line on what is "right and wrong", but society is simply not as black and white as "right and wrong", and I cannot even yet begin on where and how.

You ask atheists to be open to new things yet you still stand by what you feel is "right and wrong" ie homosexuality = detrimental.

So really... think about it


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
Its funny how he thinks islam would stop aids...haha Catholics have the same beleifs with regards to sex before marriage and that didnt stop those horny africans!

If anything religion increases the spread of STDs such as HIV because of their lack of sexual education and culture that is against safe sex.

I dont see what religion has to do with letting others live their life, most people here are fine with homosexuals, how are they detrimental to society? i propose to you that we infact care more than you do, as we are willing to let them live their lives in a way in which they will be happy.

How is sex detrimental to society? its normal, natural and if anything, a stress releiver. sounds like a bennefit to society to me, happy citizens!

sex for everyone!!!


sam04u said:
There wouldn't be an 'AIDS' epidemic in Russian/S.Africa if they were an islamic nation.
Do you agree? How many lives are lost due to people being infected with the 'HIV Virus'?
I hate to piss on your parade, but people are going to slut it up fascist theocrats or not.

Anyway, how many people would be murdered every year in honour killings, public executions etc. in an Islamic "Russia-stan"?

I'll take AIDS over Islamism, thanks.
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NCAP Mooderator
Aug 3, 2004
The assumptions you have made have framed this survey and its conclusions,

There is a well-known and logical correlation between aethism and being generally more permissive. And this is logically all this survey can prove.

However you frame issues as being moral and amoral, eg homosexualism is amoral and opposing it is moral. By drawing lines like this you have imposed your morals on others and through this interpretation will very obviously and predictably prove the vast majority of the non-religious to be amoral, etc.

This ignores the fact that from the perspective of a non-religious person it is actually amoral to oppose homosexualism. Which is to say that we have different morals, hooray, yay for you, have a sticker. This dodges the issue that the morals of the religious are handed down from God (or his representative on Earth) and that the morals of the non-religious are logically derived. eg homosexuality is genetic and present throughout history and therefore is natural and acceptable. Or freedom of choice is a fundamental right that underlies our society and economy and so should be realised with regard to homosexuality and drug-use which are victim-less activities.

Finally you take correlation and call it causation. Brief stats lesson: Your data reveals that X and Y correlate this means one of three things: X causes Y, Y causes X or both are caused by some third factor Z. You ignore this to claim that beng non-religious causes being socially permissive. And then you take this a step further and claim that being socially permissive causes AIDS.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but:

South-east asia has a large (majority in several countries) islamic population and is an AIDS/HIV hotspot.

Large numbers of Russians are muslim but there's still AIDS.

And as raised before: If catholicism couldn't stop AIDS in africa then why would Islam??

Oh and finally in the lowest move of all you dodge criticism claiming you are simply tired, have school, no-time etc.


Active Member
Jan 5, 2005
I should make a survey asking Islamic people whether they are doing anything about their problem youths or anything to stop terrorism and say that because they aren't doing anything they are promoting terrorism in the street through their problem youths and terrorism against the Western governments because they don't condemn such actions more then they should. Religion is a joke and so are you.


New Member
Jun 15, 2006
far south coast
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?
yes im catholic

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion) yeah its our choice what we do but not hell younger around 16

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection) yes i do

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind? i dont know much about it

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs. yes i am open to both beliefs

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide? no

Question 7almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional? optional

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances) not at all if youve done somthing that bad you should suffer in prison

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism? yes

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few) maybe for my friends and family

Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?
yeah buddhism


Active Member
Jan 5, 2005
sam04u i think you fail to understand that this is a Western democracy and in most respects are in favour of keeping out of other people's lives and imposing our 'ideals' on other people and making such judgements. though religion has some persuasion you'll find that it has more to do with the existing culture. if you really wanted your so called high morality views why don't you go to your beloved religious heartland where your morals are kept so well and leave us with our lack of morals alone.


transcendent said:
sam04u i think you fail to understand that this is a Western democracy and in most respects are in favour of keeping out of other people's lives and imposing our 'ideals' on other people and making such judgements. though religion has some persuasion you'll find that it has more to do with the existing culture. if you really wanted your so called high morality views why don't you go to your beloved religious heartland where your morals are kept so well and leave us with our lack of morals alone.
There's no incompatibility between our society and muslims so long as everyone agrees to stay well clear of others' decisions and personal convictions. I can respect Islam and think highly of it right up until you tell me what to do. At that point I don't give a flying fuck for religious tolerance.

Pluralism is yummy.


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
his mistake is that asking about legalising drugs, thats a political viewpoint. he never asked if someone feels drugs are wrong or right. all he determined was a correlation to liberal or libertarian philosophy.

example, i said that i support drug legalisation. however, i personally, do not believe in the usage of drugs, and while i won't judge someone else based on my views, I've also never used drugs, smoked, or drank alcohol.

his wording in question 2 was taken by many as a legal issue, 7 definitly, and 8 possibly.


Sep 2, 2005
littlewing69 said:
There's no incompatibility between our society and muslims so long as everyone agrees to stay well clear of others' decisions and personal convictions. I can respect Islam and think highly of it right up until you tell me what to do. At that point I don't give a flying fuck for religious tolerance.

Pluralism is yummy.
Nah I don't think this is an opportunity to knock Islam. He has a right to believe that his morals are superior just as I, as an atheist have a right to regard christian or muslim 'morality' as bunk.


_dhj_ said:
Nah I don't think this is an opportunity to knock Islam. He has a right to believe that his morals are superior just as I, as an atheist have a right to regard christian or muslim 'morality' as bunk.
Of course. The point is that he suggested that the West would be better off with Islamic morals.

And I'm not looking for an excuse to knock Islam. I like Islam, I like muslims, I'm reading the Koran right now.. I'm just disgusted by the superior attitude affected by many muslims (as it is by Christians) about their morality.


Sep 2, 2005
sam04u said:
It was a 'rude' assumption, but the data is right there infront of you. 1/9 (non religious) people from one source thought legalising drugs wouldn't be a problem.
It's the moral apathy which is detrimental to society.


Re: Gerhard
That's basically what my argument is, but where do atheists draw the line? Basically on whatever is 'out-there'.
Homesexuality, Drug-Abuse, Sex (In medial relationships).

I can see where you are coming from, that religion is needed for society to function with relative stability.

but let's look at the three examples you've raised.

homosexuality - Imo the only problem homosexuality could potentially pose is in the area of reproduction. But clearly, there is always going to be a percentage of people who are homosexual in any population - regardless of whether or not they are persecuted.

sex - like others have mentioned, STIs can be prevented with the promotion of safe sex - something that many religions don't practice. I think the discouragement of sex before marriage is really a disproportionate response to the problem, given the societal utility which it would extinguish.

Drug-abuse - i don't think there is a strong correlation between drug use and religion. Your question was certainly not 'are you a drugs abuser?' In regard to the correlation between religion and belief in the legalisation of drugs, I think the reason for the correlation here is that atheists are probably more rational people. Legalisation might reduce crime in some circumstances, as it shifts the revenue from drug dealers (often criminals), into legit operations and taxation - which can again be put to use for the benefit of society.

To make a generalisation, atheists like to talk about total utility. I think the absence of choice of moral paths is certainly a great hinderance to maximising it.
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Lacking creativity
Sep 6, 2003
sam04u said:
There wouldn't be an 'AIDS' epidemic in Russian/S.Africa if they were an islamic nation.
Do you agree? How many lives are lost due to people being infected with the 'HIV Virus'?

Even still, I don't think it's the "HIV Virus" causing the symptoms of aids, it's probably another, pathogenic type virus. (Which is common in people "HIV positive". (was reading an interesting article).

Basically it's an; All Zerks are Zarks, and All Zarks are Carks. Does that mean all Zerks are Carks?.... Type question. Some people who are HIV positive don't show 'AIDS' symptoms. Back on topic.
Do you even know what the fuck HIV is?

There is a reason that some people can be HIV positive and not show AIDS symptoms (it typically takes around 10 years), that is because the virus itself, in the majority of cases, doesn't make the user sick. It infects the CD4+ T cells, which are part of the immune system.

The lack of them just leads to a degredation of the immune system (often taking years). So there will be different symptoms since they will have the symptoms of the diseases that attack their weakened immune system. They are likely to share a common pathogen that others aren't, purely because their immune system cannot fight the infection successfully. Pneumonia is a large killer of people with AIDS because their weakened immune system just can't fight it like yours or mine can.

Pieces of Me

New Member
Jun 17, 2006
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?
Yes, Christianity

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)

Both yes and no

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)

No, if you had already decided before having sex

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?

I believe in the creation thoery, adam and eve as a metaphor for something more complicated. But I also believe that over time some species have slowly evolved.

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.

Yes, you have to be.

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?


Question 7almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?


Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)

Yes and No (Yes to all those terrorist, rapist and murders - No to those who are only involved in drug trafficking etc.)

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?

Yes, even though it is against my religion

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)

Yes, if it was worth dying for eg: family and friends

Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?

Yes, it good to known what other people's beliefs are


Nov 22, 2004
Darling It Hurts!
sam04u said:
Even still, I don't think it's the "HIV Virus" causing the symptoms of aids, it's probably another, pathogenic type virus. (Which is common in people "HIV positive". (was reading an interesting article).

Which shows that there is 'rooted' morals in alot of (non religious) people.

I wouldn't ever want an atheist/agnostic person to turn to religion though. (mainly, because I could be condemning them to a closed life with no rewards).

But, adopting some of the religious moral values and understanding them (especially islamic morals) would be something I would appreciate.
This is very worrying hearing this as I have lost several family friends to this disease, both male and female, straight and gay. Still have one friend who is positive and has been so for ten years, he is still doing fine but if it was a pathogenic disease, I don't think the anti-retroviral drugs he has to take would help.

I believe there is a lot of rooted morals in religious people who rather protest about cartoons about a dead (possibly fabricated) person, than terrorists who kill and threaten us in our modern world, or female genital mutilation which still is quite common in Eastern Africa and the Middle East.


Jun 14, 2006
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?

Sort of. Agnostic.

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?

Perfectly fine.

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying?

Why not.

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?

Yes. Adam & Eve is just a story to me. I was brought up in a very athiest and somewhat scientific environment.

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.

I'm open minded. If you give me evidence that's plausible (unlike the kind of rubbish evidence usually provided in "Does God exist" threads) I wouldn't shove it back in your face.

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?

Thought about it, but never came close to intending to do it.

Question 7:
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?

Depends on their purpose. I don't support the use of drugs and I've never used drugs, but medicinal drugs... well, all medicines are drugs, really.

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)

I'm not sure about this one. Maybe for serial killers. The only worry I have is the part where police find out the dude that was executed 10 years ago was actually innocent. I can't remember the numbers but it was something like after DNA analysis was introduced, a large number (60? 100?) of US prisoners were found to be innocent, some of which have already served over one decade of their sentence.

Think Lincoln Burrows from PB. :)

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?

Yes, but I'd be a bit bummed if my kids were gay.

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)

You only live once. :(

I can't think of anything at the moment.

Question 11:
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?

No. I'm happily agnostic.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
transcendent said:
sam04u i think you fail to understand that this is a Western democracy and in most respects are in favour of keeping out of other people's lives and imposing our 'ideals' on other people and making such judgements. though religion has some persuasion you'll find that it has more to do with the existing culture. if you really wanted your so called high morality views why don't you go to your beloved religious heartland where your morals are kept so well and leave us with our lack of morals alone.
Perhaps I will someday, nothing wrong with my "Beloved Religious Heartland". I admit there's more oppurtunities in Australia. But I do envy my parents upbringing, Living in a world where an oppurtunity means something. A place where people lives aren't filled with apathy. (and people aren't in the habbit of saying "IF YOU DON'T FULLY ASSIMILATE BOTH RELLIGIOUSLY AND IDEALISTICALLY TO MY COUNTRY THEN GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY".) Like it's your country to begin with? Stupid Idiot, I have as much right to this country as you, and this country lets me express my ideals however the fuck I want.


Aug 23, 2004
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?

Buddhism, but more as a way of life than as a religion type thing. Still, I go to the Wollongong and Homebush temples so yeah.

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)

Nope for me personally, but if they did choose to have it, I'd at least say you've got enough brains to have protection.

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)

Nope. No protection--even worse

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?

Well, as a bio student, the evolutionism theory has been pumped into me. I'm not Christian, so I can't comment.

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.


Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?


Question 7almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?

Depends what drug it is, but in general, no.

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)

Yes, e.g. murder, extreme rape I guess (like a serial rapist raping too many women, etc, or at least life), drug trafficking, terrorism (both the planners, and the people who actively carried it out), war crimes/genocide, etc. Depends, but there's a few.

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?


Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)


Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?

nope, but I've googled Christianity and Judaism, read BOS' thread on Islam, just for general knowledge--nothing serious indeed.


New Member
May 9, 2006
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?
yes, christianity
Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)
something like that is a personal decision, nothing wrong with it
Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)
again personal decision, neither wrong nor right
Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?
i believe that the world was created by god and how he did that could be any which way but he was the 1 who created it.
Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.
i believe that god is real 4 1 main reson, believing in God is like believing in the wind, you can't see the wind but you can feel it, its the same with god, you can't see him but you can feel him.
Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?
yes and no
Question 7:(almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?
i believe that taking drugs is a personal decision and everybody's entitled to make their own decisions
Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)
yes and no, if a person can just willingly murder a person/people then they should have the same thing done to them but yet thats just an easy way out 4 them but other than that it depends on the crime.
Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?
personal decision, got nothing against them
Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)
i would sacrifice my life on the line 4 many things, what i believe in, my friends and family, people in need dat i was helping example people in war torn countries etc, people that neede it i would do it 4.
Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?

i think these are really good questions, it makes you think
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