I just remembered an old one...
For the staff at Parra Maccas... Hurry up, move it, and don't be retarded.
My friend and I were getting some food after a long day of shopping.. Maccas was pretty much the only thing open in the food court.. We both stood in different queues next to each other.. My friend also used to work at Maccas..
Anyways.. the two girls that served us each.. were just.......... so........... freaking.......... slow......... it was almost painful to watch. We were both standing third in line. To reach the front of the queue.... took 20 minutes. All that time I was watching both girls meander around the fries, drinks, and softserve machine.. Like they were floating around or something.. They'd stop at one station and chat a bit... hang around the burger bit waiting instead of doing something else whilst waiting for the burger.. And no joke, I was watching this other operater in the middle serve 10 people in the time I was waiting..
Finally I get to the front of the line.. and I wanted $160 cash out.. I asked my friend beforehand what the limit was, and my friend told me that there isnt really one, they just need the supervisor to swipe the card.. So I ask for $160.. and she goes "ohhh.. umm", asks the other slow girl next to her and they both agree that the maximum I can cash out is $100. She didnt say she didnt have enough money to give me.. she just told me it was the legal maximum.. So I ask my friend again to make sure but I got denied so I was like, "ok that's fine, I'll get out $100". And like wth.. she has to float away to get the manager's card anyway, so an extra $60 shouldnt of been a problem.
Anyways........ We were both then popped to the side [for the burgers] whilst they served other customers.... I watched my friend's operator serve the next customer who wanted that sundae with syrup on the top and bottom.... No joke, my burger and that sundae took 10mins. The sundae I watched.... she sloooooooooowly pumped the choc syrup in... started slowly hitting the base on the counter so the choc would even out, and started chatting with another person.. the choc was sitting there for a whole minute being hit against the counter.. the icecream was done pretty shit.. and when it was time to put the choc top layer on, it went freaking over the edge of the cup.. she then had to go find chux to clean it.. and when she was finding the chux, she managed to knock over the container with the nugget dips.. she walked past it and didnt even know until someone else pointed to her that she dropped it.. then she slowly bent down to pick everything up.. and THEN we got our fucking burgers and the other girl got her crappy sundae..
And I know how long that took because I had to pay for an extra half hour of parking because of incompetent staff.