best close ever tonight. i think its the first time ever i've ever got out EARLY when closing by myself. AND I got the safe open first time both times I went upstairs
Funniest story though, sometime around 4pm my CSM was on the phone to someone for AGES, she looked up and you could tell she'd been crying. Anyway, she gets off the phone, and runs off. About 5 minutes later, my SSM turns around to me and says "can you go find *CSM*, you're her favourite and I'm too scared to go talk to her, something might be wrong." As much as I laughed my head off, I went and found her, got talking, and then there's a call from our SSM for me to phone service desk. At that point my CSM went absolutely balistic, saying its all his fault she was upset and did he send me out to do his dirty work?
It was pretty tough trying to convince her that, you know, I'd been given the impression someone had died or something, not that he'd had a go at her.
Was funny.
We have big managers coming in tomorrow, I practically rang the whole phone book trying to get extras in. I got roped into 4-9.30 tomorrow, I was meant to start at 5.30 but starting at 4 means not only do I have to skip my last class, but that I have to drive to uni